I have had Hep C all my life (25 years old).
I'm running into some issues.
-Weight loss
-Constant hunger
-Muscle loss
-Poor sleep
-Memory loss
-White Tongue with no inflammation when scraped.
-Spaced out feeling
I'm trying to find help on my diet. I have had really bad brain fog for almost a week now (Had to stop smoking Cannabis because I thought that was the problem, I have an RX for it).
I haven't been eating properly either. The main reason for this isn't really loss of appetite but more so the fear of what I am eating and ingesting. The anxiety is pretty bad and seems to come in waves.
I went to the ER today again and found that my TSH, White Blood cell count,
Sugar level, Electrolytes, And Sodium Serum levels are normal.
However my Bilirubin was a little "Normal, High"
They didn't test my ATL's or anything specific to the Liver but I'm dehydrated a lot and feel sluggish with that confusion/spacey feeling.
Haven't smoked in 4-5 days due to the fact that I noticed something was underlying.
I also have been getting a weird temple pain.
Although I'm not trying to get diagnosed on this thread. I'm more so trying to find out what I should be eating with the Hep C and the issues I have at the moment.
I fear it's something going on with my Liver. I have an appointment set up with my primary care in a few days. I will have more tests done then to rule certain things out.
However, I don't want to stop eating or restrain anything from my diet.
If in fact the fog, memory loss, and confusion is due to my liver. I would like to know the safest foods and flush to do ASAP. I would like to start this today.
I drink a lot of bottled watered due to my fear for fluoride and other toxins within tap.
Is poland springs bad to drink? I have been drinking a lot and fear maybe I have toxins building up from this "Spring Water".
What water should I be drinking? What juices should I intake to keep the liver healthy and remove maybe flukes or what else could be in there.
Since I have had it all my life could these flushes be extreme? Are enema's bad?
I really feel this community can really help me out and I sincerely appreciate all the help I get from the community.
Thank you.