>>>"But seeing the molecule and reading all of this just made me wonder if having adequate Iodine is a important component in the connection to the divine...at least in my case it feels as if it is!!!"
I agree wholeheartedly. Great post, Dar, I like the way you're thinking:)
Iodine the Redeemer, Prof Guy Abrahams:
"Such high requirements for I in an environment depleted of this element, do not have a logical explanation. Unless sometimes in the distant past, the top soil of planet earth contains significant levels of I and meeting these high requirements for I sufficiency could then be achieved with any diet. The theory of evolution does not offer an intellectually satisfying answer to this paradox. However, the Biblical account of the origin of the world through creation 6000 years ago followed by the fall of man and the flood fits very well the current situation. According to the biblical narrative, the Creator DE CLAREd planet earth and everything in it perfect. Therefore, the original planet earth contained a top soil rich in I, and all elements required for perfect health of Adam, Eve and their descendants. A rebelled archangel was expelled from God’s Habitation for attempting a hostile takeover (Isaiah 14:12-15). His name was Lucifer before the attempt (Isaiah 14:12) and Satan after his expulsion (Luke 10:18). Satan deceived Eve into believing that she could become a goddess by disobeying her Creator (Genesis 3:4,5). A sequence of events followed, culminating in the worldwide flood 4500 years ago. Following this episode, the receding waters washed away the top soil with all its elements into oceans and seas. The new top soil became deficient in I and most likely other essential elements, whose essentialities are still unknown. Mountainous areas became the most I-deficient because the receding waters were the most rapid over the steep slopes, eroding deeper into the soil. The post-deluvian worldwide I deficiency may be a reminder to mankind of the flood, their fallen state and their need for a Redeemer."