As a true student of true history, and not the bull crap that our failed education system has tried to brainwash all of us for centuries, I am always looking for factual information that I want to share with everyone that reads this blog.
I have always been intrigued by the major wars in the last century...Especially World War II. I remember for decades how I would read that Adolf Hitler was the "most evil man" that ever lived, and that he launched the German nation into war by his want for "world conquest". Now, after researching into real historical facts and evidence, I find that all that has been stated about Hitler is not true at all.
For this article, I want to present the following video for all of my readers to view for themselves. It is entitled: "Hitler's War - What The Historians Neglect To Mention", and shows some interesting facts and more logical reasons about why Adolf Hitler launched Germany into World War II than what we have been taught in our corrupt education systems. I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:
NTS Notes: I have stated many times that I do not view Adolf Hitler as some kind of saint at all. He had his faults just as other world leaders at the time had. However, the constant portrayal of him as a mad meglomaniac has always disturbed me, considering how much we know now about the madness and insanity of other world leaders, such as Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin. But again, everyone must realize that the VICTORS write the history books, and will always distort the facts to cover for their own crimes.
In previous articles, I also showed definitive proof that Josef Stalin had built up massive forces for a planned invasion of Europe, code named "Operation Thunder" that he had planned to launch on July 5th, 1941. What Adolf Hitler did by launching his attack on the USSR, Operation Barbarossa, on June 22, 1941, was to smash Stalin's war plans and actually save Western Europe from Communist domination. But we will never find that fact in any of the so called "history books" as well.
It does appear that more evidence is now coming out that shows loud and clear that Hitler did not want war at all. It does appear that the criminal Jewish Rothschild private banking controlled nations wanted Hitler's Germany destroyed because Germany had freed themselves from the criminal Jewish Private Banking scheme, and they feared that the miracle of Germany may spread to other nations.
As more alternative history about World War II comes forward, I will do my best to present that evidence for everyone to view and judge for themselves. Again, with everything we see now showing that our history has been severely distorted, it is essential that the real truth be revealed.
“The Judaic Communist epoch of mass murder has disappeared
into history in one of the great vanishing acts of all time. Only
practiced deceivers\, with all the sleight of hand of the most
accomplished stage magicians\, could pull off such a coup against the
rest of humanity. To trick mankind into focusing nearly all expiatory
sentiment\, monuments and commemoration on Judaic victims and brand the
Mark of Cain–the very words war crime and holocaust itself–on Germany
and upon Germans alone as their proprietary trademark\, must be regarded
as one of the most masterful achievements of psychological warfare in the
annals of illusion.” - from The Documentary Record\, Michael A. Hoffman
SUMMARY:14.10.2011 11:26
Be sure to read David Irving's books on WWII, he's paid a big price for putting the truth into writing, got "The Tribe" pissed off and spent some time in prison for his efforts.
Amazon has some of his books (no discounts for his politcally incorrect writings) or they can usually be gotten from his website below.