"The thyroid gland, located in the neck, absolutely needs
Iodine to produce hormones that
stabilize mental health, control weight gain or weight loss, fight infection, and more.
Iodine has been attacked since 1948 through apparent “science for hire”,
resulting in unnecessary pandemic fear of
Iodine based on the unfounded Wolff-Chaikoff effect. (Abraham,
The Wolff-Chaikoff Effect: Crying Wolf?, 2005) Remember—FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. And
not coincidentally, pharmakeia profits from your fear.
The paradox is that until you obtain the evidence by questioning authority, you stand trapped in “The Matrix”,
fooled by what you think is truth. From 1998-2006, severe iodine deficiency was documented globally by the
World Health Organization (World Health Organization, 1998)(World Health Organization, 2005) and in the
U.S. by NHANES and the CDC. Extreme deficiency can cause mental retardation, whereas simple iodine
sufficiency increases IQ 13½ points as proven in Bleichrodt’s 1994 meta-analysis of 17 clinical studies.
(Bleichrodt, 1994)
Yet our unquestioned doctors claim you are allergic to iodine or it is dangerous to take too much of it or your
blood tests show your thyroid is fine even though you are either skinny as a rail or noticeably overweight!
From my research, all of these excuses are propaganda—canned responses and inaccurate tests from your
unknowing doctor who typically: 1) Does not question authority of medical schools grossly subsidized by
pharmakeia; 2) Does not delve behind the drug’s abstract of the clinical trial; 3) Does not read the drug’s
package insert, which outlines the number of deaths and side effects in the clinical trial and the narrow use(s)
of the drug; and 4) Does not understand that the adrenal glands produce backup thyroid hormone as the
“pinch hitter”, and so testing the blood for thyroid hormone levels is meaningless to determine thyroid