including "the factors which limit the way you create your own reality"
see page 23 of the book:Beyond Limitations: The Power of Conscious Co-creation
You know the thought bubble that goes over the head, like a cloud kite, with a tail of diminishing cloudlets? If you think about it, it's a very deep revealing.
There was a greeting card once, that used this concept creatively, in that you were to hold the card up to the light -it was sealed closed- to "read the mysterious mind of the male". When the light shone through, you saw a sort of 'thought bubble' in the space of the cranium, and inside it, the -empty- outline of the same head. !!!
But all segregative judgments aside, (even the more minor humours), in the text linked to, there is a lovely image of how our reality in fact is contained within a sort of bubble that surrounds and follows us.
Thus, the 'problem', if you will, is not "all in our heads", (well, not completely)but exists more like an expanded halo; one's bubble is one's own spaceship,
almost. :-)
This is some of the better material I've yet come across on co-creation. All too often there is a levers-of-the -Universe and affirmations approach to this most fundamental of understandings.