I've been working with Dr. Lam for about two months and though it was a little bumpy at first, I am happy to report that I'm feeling better than I have in years. It's not just tons of energy but the quality of energy that is coming back. I feel more even keel, calm, and just better than ever. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask me. Thank you and good luck!
Bet I can geuss, Lipo C, Lipo Glut,Pandrenal,Liver Clear, Quantamax?
Glad its helping though, worked for me for six months then failed me onto a deathbed :(, but we are all different, theres a couple of others who have had success on his programme..
Can I ask if your sleep is improving? Mine never did
Well first we had to work on clearing my liver before even beginning to take the supplements for healing the adrenals. I have used a charcoal patch and am taking Glutathione, Liver Clear, and Calcium D glutarate. I just started taking the adrenal support supplements.
it has been mentioned many times that dr. Lam is very expensive. I'd like to try his protocol but not sure whether I can afford it. How much you have to pay for his service + supplements monthly?
All you have to do to find out is call for a free consultation. The value of money is different for everyone. I feel it has been worth every penny. My health is worth it. I have probably spent double the amount over the years when I didn't know what the problem was. All the self prescribing and ups and downs...I'm just thankful I'm finally on the right path and that is priceless!
You have not answered to the question.... HOW MUCH DID YOU SPEND WITH DR LAM????I don't understand why you shouldn t want to share this infos with us, unless you are working for dr Lam...
Chronic fatigue, not feeling refreshed after a good sleep, menstrual irregularity, low thyroid, not feeling like doing much of anything, needing to rest after a few hours of activity, apathy, low blood pressure...
I am more than likely in stage 3C, probably near 4 because I'm bedridden but for a couple hours in the evening when I get little energy bursts and am able to walk to the living room. I have an appt with a new endo tomorrow so I am going to see what they say. Good to know that you are in stage 3 and having success with Lam. Of course it's not good that you are sick, but it's good to know that his protocol is working for you :) I plan to give it a try as soon as I find out that there aren't any other crazy things going on with me from my endo. Please keep us posted on your progress!
That's great, but be careful. I felt great for 3 months, then I crashed bad. Since then I have constant pain from my adrenals and insomnia. Two symptoms I didn't have previously.
Not sure if was from the vitamin c, or if it's because I over did it because I was feeling so good for the first time in a long time.
I've heard it's common to overdo it when you're feeling better which can cause crashes. I'm aware of this and will continue to take it slowly. What are you doing now for your symptoms?