Blistering Fate
Some will truly care and worry about you. Most of my family did, even my grandma, which was quite surprising for me.
Friends were quite supportive and called me in numerous occasions. I rejected them systematically and the few times I consented I regretted for the most part. Intuition rarely fails.
Others will take the opportunity and attack instictively to the weak if you are naive enough to try to explain them what you have, but you already knew those probably from were you were healthy.
But none, NONE will really understand except people with the same problem than you. There is a difference between caring about someone and supporting him and knowing how he its really feeling and that his disease its real despite of allopathic shills. We are in a shitty spot, to summarize. Getting away from this as quick as possible its much better than trying to make people understand how much you are suffering.