Yep I had already used a combination of medicated cream and moisturizer sometimes but honestly if we had vulgar chapped lips, even if we hadn't put moisturizer on them, we would have got normal lips back one day or another, but it isn't the case. Also, our EC area is well-delimited, we can say that the rest of our lips is almost perfect.
According to me, the fact of having 'chapped lips' all along the year, summer as winter, shows that it isn't simply 'chapped lips'. Also, the constantly moisturizing doesn't prevent our lips from peeling, the skin builds up no matter what.
So maybe a wider community than us is affected by this EC, I truly think there is, but I really don't believe that it's just chapped lips, but according to our experiences, I truly think that there are a lot of people who, after a few appointments with their dermatologist, just accept, without a murmur, to take the first moisturizer prescribed and live with it, overall if they are girls, surely less embarrassed than us to put lipstick troughout the day.
In that sense, it will be hard to find a cure if physicians don't cease to mistake EC for chapped lips, except if one of them is one day affected by this, we would be able to find a more concrete information about 'exfoliative cheilitis' than just 'it's just a facticious cheilitis triggered by a pathomimesis and that a psychotherapy is required'.
I still have to do my colonoscopy, then I will meet again my actual derm, maybe do another biopsy, or check my vitamins, even if I'm not very optimistic to find THE THING which bothers my lips.
If nothing works, a special lipstick would be a new limb of my body, no way to carry some f***ing cream or ointment in the pocket, and always bring my dirty fingers on my lips during a NORMAL day.