Full write-up: http://www.keshefoundation.org/en/media-a-papers/keshe-news/330-the-world-pea...
We have been asked to make our point clear about the upcoming expected and possible war between Iran and US.
We release the new information below to pre-empt any new plans for a new war in the world and as a prelude to our conference in September.
We explain here how nations like Iran are made to look as if they become an axis of evil in the eyes of the international community through pre-planned actions of some nations to start new international crises.
Prepare yourselves as this will be a long read, but it is important that one understands why we call upon nations for our upcoming meeting. We are fully aware of what we are releasing and now we want not only the nations but the citizens of the earth to understand the real depth of the Foundation's knowledge of the hidden working of all nations and the reasons for our actions, even though sometimes they look as if they are against our ethos. (Please advise if you see any mistakes in the text for them to be corrected.)
The second part of this statement will be released soon by the Foundation.
For those who do not know, here we lay the groundwork for the effort of the Foundation for the peace conference due on the 6th of September of 2012 in Keshe foundation centre in Belgium.
There shall be no war between Iran, Israel and US, as the latter have more and may be all to lose if such an action takes place, and this is a clear message from this Foundation. If you are interested to know why we give such an indication please take note of the following paragraphs in this open letter.
How any nations become an axis of evil according to the pre-mandated action of the real evildoers of the earth is easy to understand and to be seen and read as follows:
As most of the readers of this forum know and some have listened to my previous interviews over the past years, they know my education background and my work.
It is important to make clear some points for all readers and the world audience to know how every nation can become an axis of evil according to the agreement signed by President Reagan and Mrs Thatcher in the late seventies and the establishment of the nuclear triad connection between the USA, UK and France.
There shall be no war between Iran, Israel and US, as the latter have more and may be all to lose if such an action takes place, and this is a clear message from this Foundation.
In my early work at the British nuclear classified site, I had an opportunity to read the proposal and documents which made it clear to me that the future of the world nuclear industry was well set and with agreement of the above three nations the act of making every nation an axis of evil was signed and sealed by the leaders of these countries for the control of power and energy resources of the future.
In this agreement the process was initiated of bringing the world economy to its knees and starting the second process of slavery of all nations as they did in earlier centuries with opium, but this time using the nuclear industry as the whip of threat and control.
In late seventies it was agreed that the British use US military might to force and attack nations and then rob all nations of their resources and then control them through nuclear power supply systems and control of nuclear fuel started by the British.
To make the triad work, the British gave the right of manufacturing the nuclear power stations even for the UK to the US and their companies, with the carrot that the UK even stopped with immediate effect all new research in development and building of new nuclear British designed power stations and the UK started the closure of all the nuclear power station capabilities of its own design.
In return the British under the disguise of helping the US accepted the proliferation and recycling of nuclear fuel worldwide. This is the most lucrative part of the nuclear industry long term.
At the same time with proliferation the UK in the future can force nations to its will because if materials are not processed they cannot operate their nuclear power stations.
As nations need new fuel rods, their energy supply becomes slave to UK generosity and colonial power pressures as in past centuries.
At the moment this process has already started as the UK has been practising its reprocessing system by profiteering from fuel for Japan and Germany in the past decades.
At the same time to keep the French on board, part of the structural work in Europe and the nuclear fuel production of Europe were given to the French.
Thus in this triad of nations, they have shared out the future of the world energy supply between each other in such a way that once the oil runs out or they create oil crises, these three nations excluding Russia and China will become the controllers of the energy for Europe, the Middle East, Asia and South America.
Now let us explain how nations become an axis of evil like the nation of Iran through this triad of the nuclear control through deliberate and false accusation and by controlling present world media.
In the mid-fifties the US used to take uranium from the mines of Hamadan in the south central regions of Iran for their nuclear processing and fuel supply, and this is well documented in international shipments of uranium.
Now these mines are in the hands of the Iranian nation, thus Iran does not need to purchase any fuel and is using its own natural resources for its future fuel processing and fuel production and Iran even has surpluses of raw material to support other power stations of other nations if it is needed in the region for their future power supply.
Thus Iran has and can become a fuel supplier and competitor to the French and US pieces of the cake of the present organised nuclear triad.
Thus with the newly gained knowledge by home-grown and taught nuclear engineers and scientists, Iran now can and has cut into the piece of the cake of the US power generation manufacturing market.
Now Iran becomes another financial threat to a member of nuclear triad, the USA.
By the same measure, Iranian aircraft engineers, being boycotted for parts by US sanctions, have made a full working Boeing 747 jetliner in Iran in the past five years to service the fleet of Iran jet liners and now one can buy exact parts of these craft in even better quality from Iran than from the US.
From producing these systems Iran is now using the same knowledge in building aircraft and has gained the full capability to produce the spaceship program craft of the present trials using Iranian scientists.
Thus the boycott has given Iran the advantage and step up for the new spaceship program systems that have left NASA in the dark ages of space technology.
With this Iran can use its own mined uranium as fuel to enrich and use the fuel for supporting its nation with energy once the oil runs out.
Thus Iran with the capability of reprocessing and enriching fuel for its power stations now has the power and the knowledge to cut into the piece of cake of the UK of the triad.
Therefore now Iran has become a supplier and competitor not only in oil, but in the nuclear industry too with the triad.
Thus the mask of axis of evil is nothing but cover for the crimes of the past done by nations of the nuclear triad and a new setting for the scenario of the 1972 crisis, where this time the British will control the world energy and will take nations hostage like pirates of the high seas as they have done for centuries, but in a modern version.
The other recent action of the EU boycott against the nation of Iran came about purely by an accident and the greed of Germany which had nothing to do with Iran.
In the early seventies Iran acquired a small prototype nuclear reactor built for Iran by the western nations for training its future nuclear scientists for the power stations to be built in late and early eighties by them for Iran.
I was presumed to be one of these scientists when and if I returned to Tehran after finishing my education as a nuclear engineer in Europe.
This nuclear reactor in Tehran University has the capability of producing the low level high grade nuclear material isotopes needed nowadays in the medical sector of the health system of all nations.
This sector of the health radiation industry will be worth some 12 billion euros in the coming years.
What has happened in the past years is that the nuclear power plant which is the parallel system to the Iranian research nuclear reactor and has been the major producer of these isotopes for years, which was based in Canada and employing thousands of scientists and workers and generating billions of dollars of revenue for Canada for years, in the recent past has gone faulty and cannot produce and supply the world demand for isotopes for the medical market.
Hence this has given a unprecedented chance to Iran to fill this vacuum generated in the market by chance in the western world supply of nuclear medical isotopes and this is a material to save lives of thousands of people around the world as without these isotopes no brain scan, no MRIs and other non-intrusive medical procedures can be carried out.
I wonder how many British, American, French and other nationals are not told daily that thanks to Iran we can give yours and your children's lives back to you.
This does not fit into the image of an axis of evil which the triad have made for Iran.
I wonder how many Americans walk away from MRI tables and thank the lives of Iranian scientists who have filled the gap that was created by the Canada nuclear breakdown to save their lives.
We thank you Iranian nuclear scientists in the place of those who have never been told the real truth and salute you for your support of world citizens, even though in helping us you have put your lives in danger and are even losing your lives by assassination because you are serving and helping the rest of mankind in time of need.
Under the nuclear treaty of the Second World War the government of Germany, like the Japanese government, cannot get involved in the proliferation of nuclear materials on any scale in Germany. But the German government can appoint proxies and use a third nation for its research and to develop a system to cover the Canadian gap in nuclear isotope manufacturing.
Thus through agreement with France, UK, US and Belgium they have signed a treaty with the rest of the EU nations to build a replacement of the Canadian reactor in the nuclear centre in Mole in Belgium, which is at present under construction.
Thus Iran unwantedly has become a competitor again with Germany and France in the industrial gap which Iran at the moment is helping to fill to save the lives of people around the world.
But Iran will not be attacked until this reactor is operational, as by chance even the President of the US might need these isotopes from Iran for saving his life or his family, thus the Iran cat and mouse game will be continued until this reactor is operational in Belgium.
This is the reason why suddenly Germany has appeared as the 5+1 (5 of UN +1 of Germany) of nations in negotiation with Iran over Iran's nuclear program.
However Germany according to the Second World War treaty has nothing to do with world nuclear operation.
Iran is and will be the flagship nation for world peace.
Iran has the capability to prevent the start of any war and stifle all future wars with the present knowledge of spaceship technology in its hands. Iran has the capability to prevent the start of any war and stifle all future wars with the present knowledge of spaceship technology in its hands.
Iran the land of peace will be the flagship nation for peace in these so called enforced crises in the world.
Let me explain in simple words what will happen if the triad of the nuclear nations or their proxies decide to attack Iran in the near future.
Iran has never passed its borders in the past three hundred years and will never do so, as we have found war is nothing but a waste of human resources.
In the Iran and Iraq war there were prisoners from twenty seven countries in Iranian prisons, these all being recruited by the same nations who started the new spring uprising in the past year.
The Italian government sold NINE million land mines to the Iraqi government to mine and kill Iranians at any cost.
In Iran every day in the past twenty years up to today, children playing in their homes and gardens are losing their lives and their limbs to these mines, all thanks to Italian hostility and greed.
And I wonder what happened to the cries of the advanced nations of the west to help come and clean up these mines which they supplied; I wonder how many Italians will give the hand of help to fathers and sons who have lost their children and fathers in Iran through these Italian mines in the past year alone.
The Keshe Foundation is developing systems to eradicate these meaningless tools of destruction and greed from the land of peace.
Now one wonders why Italians are in these crises of today as they are paying the price of the murderous recent acts of their fathers to fill the banks of Italy with the blood of innocent children of Iran.
But in the war with Iraq, even though Iran could have crossed the borders of Iraq to recapture and finish the old regime, Iran did not cross its agreed international borders.
The Iranian nation has defended the integrity of the motherland of Iran for centuries and it will do so if need be again, but this time with its new SSP program. If the triad of nations or their proxies try to pass the international Iranian border lines the game will be different.
Iran is at this moment in possession of the most advanced technologies known to man, and it showed a small part of the power and capabilities of this new technology in December of last year by capturing an American spy plane 27m long at high speed and altitude and under the control of over 8 satellites.
If need be to enforce world peace Iran will show the full might of its spaceship program in an instant to the powers of the world if they cross the borders of Iran.
Iran is the land of Dareush who saved the lives of my Jewish forefathers and in the seventh century the Iranian king saved the Christians by providing them shelter, and now this race have become the present descendants of my blood.
Iran is my Islamic descendant forefathers' home and land of peace and prosperity and it will teach the world the knowledge of space and the true conduct of real men of integrity.
Iran has the power to bring about world peace though its wisdom and generosity to other nations and religions as it has done in the past, without firing a single shot with its new SSP program.
On 21 April 2012 in a meeting at the Keshe Foundation centre, we showed to the world delegation present the SSP system and the video of its capacity to increase its weight, which allows the submergence of the SSP system in the deepest waters of the earth.
And within 36 hours from this meeting on 23.4.2012 we received the presidential decree to silence us as the US realised what has been developed as they have nothing to protect themselves from such an advanced technological gain by Iran and the Keshe Foundation. For the first time they realised how they lost their craft in December of the previous year to Iran, and the US president asked Iran to give their toy back.
With this technology the submariners of any nation contemplating an attack on Iran through the Straights of Hormoze and any waters across the earth will be faced with instant death due to an operational failure of all their systems, as was done with the unmanned aircraft in December of last year. At the same time these craft will maintain their position in the deep seas and will never resurface for decades, unless they are pulled out of the water through special operations, so once Iran SSP touches these submarines in the deep waters of the earth, no mother or son of these submariners will ever know the fate of their loved ones.
Above water, military ships will cease working and become obsolete and they will and can be caused to join their submariners in seconds, which will leave thousands and thousands of fathers without their sons and so many mothers without their daughters who are serving on these ships.
Aircraft which are airborne will drop from the skies like heavy metal cast birds on the borders of Iran or at any point of choosing on earth by the Iranian SSP program, so that they will not be able to even reach the beautiful borders of the land of peace.
This would lead to more loss of the beautiful lives of men and women of the USA and their collaborators.
Satellite communication will be brought to an absolute halt as Iran has to ensure that no nuclear warhead missiles can be controlled and targeted on Iran and hence most of the intercontinental missiles will fall on Iran’s neighbouring nations or wherever these missiles are lost due to loss of satellites, and surely none will reach Iran.
US intercontinental missiles will be activated in their berth holes and how many of our cousins and brothers are to lose their lives in the land of the US by the action of the US military if the misguided action of a few goes through.
Then the question to ask is why humanity allows this triad of nations to carry out all these acts under the banner of world peace and not the real truth of its objective of tyranny.
Thus Iran does not need to start the war, but will use its wisdom to protect itself as before; the losses will be from those who are doing the instigation of war and will be in the land of the instigators of the war.
The solution is simple and immediate.
We call upon the triad nations and Iranian government to meet under the banner of world peace in the immediate future, to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of young and beautiful daughters and sons of mainly US origin as they are the real slaves of the master in the war.
We have seen it happen in Iraq and Afghanistan with invasions under the same type of false accusation to loot these nations or use them to supply drugs to other nations as in the past centuries, where again the UK walked away with the loot of oil and national reserves and the US paid the price of the lives of its youth and is still paying it.
From the Keshe Foundation we call upon the leaders of the world to open their eyes to the song of peace from us, or the beautiful White House will only be white by name as its residents will leave the fields of their matters within this structure with no sign of real material life, once Iran has to enforce world peace, without the use of war. From the Keshe Foundation we call upon the leaders of the world to open their eyes to the song of peace from us, or the beautiful White House will only be white by name as its residents will leave the fields of their matters within this structure with no sign of real material life, once Iran has to enforce world peace, without the use of war.
In the palaces of Europe the bells of justice will be rung by their people and not by its present residents as the men of truth will open the files of the real working of these houses of horror and stop the suffering of their nations as they are answerable to the nations of the world for whom they have chosen to govern and rob others under their name.
We did not set the scene, but we are the messengers of peace and we are the instigator of world peace and we have the technology to serve mankind and walk and enforce the path of peace.
My call to citizens of this planet is simple and straightforward; join us and each other to serve our human race under one banner of mankind and not nationhood.
Under one banner of peace this will carry us through as one soul and one planet and not as a divided broken army of nations.
Our decree of peace will take its course and soon there will be no more conflict as each man has the power of the king to serve and not as power of the slave.
The leaders of the world have to accept that the seat of kingship and leadership is the seat of serving one's nation and not to be served by the nation, and this has to become the path of every being.
Then one will see that there shall be no servants by force, but men will be servants by choice and for their fellow men, and earth will be a sea of physical bodies that have nothing to do but to serve each other.
From this point on kinship is among the souls of mankind and not through the physical body.
From this point on we take away the physicality of the workings of man’s life as we have met all his needs through the kinship of the soul. At the level of soul there is no physicality to feed, but the essence of equality to protect and serve.
Blessed are the souls who have received the message of peace not in the physical but in the true realm of creation.
M T Keshe
You can find the original text and discusion here.
This article is related to:
July 20, 2009 - M.T. Keshe - Keshe Foundation Readies for Space Flight Announcement - Apparently having his plasma energy and anti-gravity technology theories being adequately proven, M.T. Keshe is now ready to announce technology demonstrations being given in major cities in 2010, as well as booking space flights up 60 kilometers in 2014 and booking flights to the moon in 2016.
Free Energy Now (.org) Radio Interview: http://www.mevio.com/episode/166406/fen-090720
Examiner Article: http://www.examiner.com/article/keshe-launching-energy-generation-and-space-e...
An interview with the inventor of what could be the next generation of commercial space travel and clean energy generation, said to be ready for licensing. We're talking super fast and cheap travel, and super cheap energy. 3 kW units are available for viewing or testing by qualified licensing parties.
Artist concept of the Keshe craft and habitation pod, both containing the Keshe apparatus as it presently appears. |
While the world commemorates the Apollo astronauts' landing on the moon 40 years ago, I was privileged Monday, on the moon landing anniversary, to interview nuclear engineer, Mehran T. Keshe of the Keshe Foundation, who on that momentous day had sent out notice to government leaders around the world that he has a plasma technology in Belgium with anti-gravity (not his terminology) and energy-generating ramifications that could lead the way to commercially viable journeys into space and to the moon, along with generating affordable, renewable energy both for transportation and electricity.
He plans to publicly demonstrate the technology to thousands of people in major cities around the world next year; and he plans to start booking flights for space travel – e.g. up 60 km above the earth – by 2014, and for flights to the moon by 2016, transporting thousands of people to those destinations for a small fraction of the cost of what fuel-based shuttle services are projecting. He'll even be accepting down payments with guarantees for both flight opportunities. You'll be able to put 20% of $50,000 Euros down to reserve your seat on a trip to the moon. "It may even end up costing less than that." Wait a while longer (past 2016) and you could even get to Mars in a matter of a few days, rather than months. http://KesheSpace.com is being set up for booking flights. If you're worried about plunking down the 20% deposit, Keshe says that the deposits are guaranteed with bank backing to be refunded upon request or in case the flights do not materialize.
In the interview, Keshe briefly explained the science behind the technology. "It's not anti-gravity," he corrected me. Rather, what happens is that his plasma reactor creates a local imitation of the Earth's magnetic-gravitational properties, complete with magnetosphere, providing protection from the cosmic rays that can otherwise be deadly outside of the Earth's atmosphere. Because the phenomenon is local to the reactor, a gravitational force of 1-G is maintained for all craft occupants, including during acceleration and deceleration.
Existing craft, such as a 747, minus the wings (they get in the way), could serve as the transport shell, once fitted with the plasma reactor; though spherical craft would be better. Weight is no issue. Number of passengers is no issue. And no specialized training would be required for the pilots of such craft.
And the transport capabilities are not just for space. Imagine going from New York to Paris in a matter of minutes, rather than half a day. Imagine having one of these to beat the traffic to work. Imagine living in some remote location in the Alps, powered by the same technology, and commuting to Australia -- or to the moon, to help build a colony there. The trucking industry would no longer involve highways, but would be point-to-point specific, rapid, and involve no fuel costs.
Speaking of fuel, one of my primary interests in this technology is its claims for cheap, clean energy generation. Keshe claims that his reactors can produce on the level of kilowatts of electricity, with no fuel, drawing energy from the environment where it is replenished from an inexhaustible source using principles of plasma. And he says that these reactors (in the range of 3 kW output, continuous) are available presently for interested parties (e.g. for potential licensing) to inspect or to test for themselves.
He told me that the technology is far enough advanced, and simple enough that a licensing party could be in production in a matter of several weeks, not including the 2-3 month training period for learning the technology. Given the regulatory hoops alone, I find that a bit hard to believe, but I'm intrigued by the principle of simplicity. He said that the quantity of units presently deployed numbers in the hundreds. Those entering into negotiations for licenses do so under NDA, and will be required to provide proof of financial capability of payment for setting up factories and paying for licensing.
While the demonstration units will be expensive (e.g. $50k Euros to purchase for testing), once mass produced, Keshe thinks the price for these kilowatt generators could be in the few hundreds of dollars -- like ten times cheaper than the cheapest energy sources available today of any variety; and they would last for decades. For example, a 3-5 kilowatt unit might cost $200 Euros and last 20-30 years.
Eventually, each community or even each home could be fitted with one, and each vehicle. The technology wouldn't really scale down smaller than that, so you'll still need cords, batteries or some kind of inductive coupling for your portable devices and appliances.
I have asked Keshe if I can contact some of the people who have tested his technology, and he is in process of receiving permissions to do so, as the contract as it is written grants confidentiality.
I asked Keshe about the gravity modification capabilities of his technology in terms of what he's actually accomplished, beyond just theoretical speculation. He said that he has elevated a 100+ kg mass -- himself. Apparently, in his book, he describes how he damaged a system by jumping on it last year while it was flying. He sent me a link to a confidential video showing a 9 kg mass changing to 8 kg, and a 7 kg mass changing to 6 kg. He claims to have been able to figure out not only the elevation control, but also the direction of motion control.
Keshe told me that his device is a "simple nuclear reactor," but that it doesn't involve controlled nuclear isotopes, but that it involves materials that could be found in a home, having minute levels of radioactivity. Part of the process apparently involves extracting hydrogen from the atmosphere, so I presume that space travel would require storage tanks of some kind. Keshe said that even the "human body is a miniature nuclear reactor", involving nitrogen.
These principles of energy generation and gravity modification are articulated in the book Keshe recently published: The Universal Order of Creation of Matters, He has also posted five youtube movies explaining the key concepts described in the book.
Playlist of five YouTube videos giving an overview of key concepts. |
You will also notice on the KesheFoundation YouTube channel that there are a number Coke bottle demonstration videos. Keshe said that hundreds of people have replicated the plasma creation and graphene-coating capabilities demonstrated in this simple proof of concept experiment. This demonstration apparently mimics on a micro level what happens on the macro level in a solar system or in a galaxy -- the microcosm mimicking the macrocosm.
Playlist of four YouTube videos showing Coke Bottle demonstrations |
Keshe said that there are thousands of scientists from around the world who have been working on various elements of this technology for years, helping to bring the technology to the point that it is at now. He specifically mentioned U.C.L.A., and said that some governments have also been involved in replicating and refining the design. He told me in an email that the technology was reviewed by team of professors in Belgium in 2005 for seven months, and by another Belgian university considering the nano technology, which was also reviewed by nano institutes. The technology has also been reviewed by a government nuclear research center in Europ, by top universities in Iran, China, Korea, "and I think DARPA has [a] full report where we have been and [a] copy of all reports."
As exciting as the above claims are about gravity modification and energy generation, Keshe is even more enthusiastic about the health ramifications of the technology. He said that the carbon coating on the nervous system can be improved, helping conditions such as M.S. or chronic fatigue, just by drinking treated water.
I didn't quite catch why, but apparently some Belgian news outlet has a vendetta against Keshe because he would not sell out his technology some years ago, nor subject himself to the system of bribes involved in the European energy industry; and they vowed a media blackout of his technology, which apparently they have been successful thus far in enforcing. As of today, our coverage at Examiner.com is the only thing that pulls up in a Google news search for recent news stories on Keshe.
On the less malevolent level, Keshe said that NASA asked him to remove some claims from his site about rapid transport between destinations on earth, due to the disruptive ramifications of that statement. There are a lot of existing industries that would be rendered obsolete but such technology -- if it is real, if they don't adopt it -- including NASA. Keshe told me he is some 30-60 years ahead of NASA (not including the affiliated black ops who have been using UFO-like craft around for decades).
At the end of our interview, I asked Keshe about the irony of his being Iranian, with Iran being a point of potential war erupting soon. In defense of his native country, he said that Iran is "a peaceful nation," and the Iranian government has been very supportive of his technology. The irony is found in that Keshe, may have the very technology that would not only render war obsolete by introducing abundance where there has been scarcity, but also by removing borders because of how easy it will be to travel between any two points.
It's likely that many of these assertions about the Keshe technology capability and price are on the way optimistic end of the spectrum, per the inventor pride that is common. However, there seems to be enough compelling aspects to this account that make it worth investigating further.
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PESWiki.com pages:
See also
MT Keshe: Start of the transfer of technology to the world scientists – from October 10-17, 2012 in Sierra Leone!!
I wonder how the West will receive this piece of information – with their intention to control most of Africa . . .~J
Following the success of the 21.4.2012 and 6.9.2012 ambassadorial presentations of the technology at the Keshe Foundation centre in Belgium, the Keshe Foundation is proud to announce the presentation of the first series of its international lectures for transfer of technology to the world scientists.
To this effect we have been invited and we have accepted to give the first series of lectures in spaceship technology and its application and implications in the university of Freetown in Sierra Leone starting from 12.10.2012 to 17.10.2012.
If you are near to this location and other countries in Africa, please contact the embassy of Sierra Leone in your country for you to be present in these first lectures and transfer of technology to the world scientists.
As we promised, we take our technology to people of the world through the support of their governments and through our ambassadorial invitations program and we are fulfilling our promise and we are implementing the goal of the Keshe Foundation to unite the scientists of the world in knowledge and peace in harmony through our spaceship program.
We would like to thank the ambassador of the Sierra Leone in Belgium Dr. C. S. Kargbo and the officials of the government of the Sierra Leone for inviting the Keshe Foundation for the presentation of the Keshe technologies in their universities and for their openness in accepting and organising the first international teaching conference in the continent of Africa.
As we promised, the continent of Africa will have its own spaceship program as it is planed for by the Foundation and now we are here to deliver our promise.
M T Keshe
The founder and caretaker of the Keshe Foundation