A recent discussion encouraged me to experiment with other frqs for related pathogens and, according to Char, Malassezia species are one of the causes of acne.
But there's no need to buy DNA frqs immediately. I've tried the CAFL set for Malassezia furfur for a few days and had great results. Note that I've been using electrodes, which for me worked better than a bean. You might not feel any hits from Malassezia furfur but keep repeating for a few days and see.
My experimental scriipt for the F165
label 100
program a backfreq b 0 0 duty 50
backfreq c 28004531.1544 43.333
dwell 180 # increase up to 300-600 if time permits
fuzz .1333 .1333 # can also be changed or run without fuzz a few times
222, 225, 491, 616, 700 # Malassezia_furfur CAFL
# also may be a good thing to try close frqs
221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 490, 491, 492, 615, 616, 617, 699, 700, 701 # Malassezia_furfur CAFL EXTENDED