I was hypothyroid, with a visible swelling in the neck, (while never diagnosed per se, since I have long ago retired my doctor).
Water Fasting definitely played a significant part in 'resetting; or otherwise restoring the body's innate intelligence; everything works better. Actual assimilation is so improved. No neck swelling...Before water fasting, I'd done supplementation, pH-balancing and re-mineraliztion via kelp, and other whole foods ways, etc. After water fasting, there are too many benefits to even recall. But assimilation is a huge factor--and
Water Fasting can really change how the body is able to utilize what is taken in.
And to be simple and a bit silly about it, (which can often be the best way to be) visualize if you will, a complex Dr. Suess-type factory, with umpteen pipes and doorways with special hinges, odd-shaped rooms and so forth. Lots of nooks and crannies to collect junk!!! And when all this has been cleaned and thoroughly dusted up, in the order of most to least important, without one's having to figure it all out and micro-manage it -which is what
Water Fasting does- everything runs smoothly. Disorder becomes order and even happy workers bustling about, with beaming faces. :-)
I firmly believe -as in real knowing- that many people are 'starved' AND suffocated (in supplements and food), and these, both at the same time.