Please look into IP6! It worked magic on my husband's hemachromotosis, while another family member has been on a horrible roller coaster between hema and anemia, excesses and deficiencies, due to the archaic treatment of 'bloodletting'. As an added bonus for my husband, the IP6 is acting as the antioxydant he so needed to repair the damage already done, and I'm learning new benefits for his problem everyday. I'm even beginning to take it for my own heavy metal detox, despite being low on iron. I simply take the IP6 between meals to mop up any unbound iron (and calcium, mercury, etc) and to pull it out of the tissues. and then I take chlorella with meals to keep up a good supply of bioavailable minerals and to continue the action of detoxification. I really do think you could help a lot of people by taking a serious look at this simple inexpensive supplement. I've simply come across too many research articles on too many subjects (and most with no connection to any sales) to be able to refrain from shouting this to every person in a position of influence!