I have been dealing with inflammation in my frontal, ethmoid, and maxiallary sinuses since february/march of this year. It has been awful. I got the balloon sinuplasty done for my frontal and maxiallary sinuses in April, and the frontal sinuses were so inflammed, it was hard to get the catheter into the openings. My doctor was able to do it, though. Since then, the pressure in my frontal and maxiallary sinuses have gotten better, but I still feel pressure! I still have inflammation! It has been hard and debilitating because the pressure is 24/7 and very distracting!
I am also allergic to dust mites and mold. The blood work shows that my body is responding to something. My IgE is at 86 while 'normal' is under 25.
I am now on a course of antibiotics and antifungals. I have been on them for the last 5 weeks. I was also on a course of prednisone. I have not found much relief on all of the medication.
I would also like to add that I was under a lot of stress when this occurred. My daughter is special needs and the month of January was extremely hard and emotional. I was not eating very well (sometimes I would barely eat). Then in February this started to happen.
What do you think is going on?