My daughter had the Mirena for almost 2 years, and is almost 1 year post removal. After having Mirena for a year she developed horrible burning/pins & needles, numbness/aching sensations in her legs, feet, arms and hands. It was so painful and debilitating, she was unable to walk or care for herself at times, and she lost all independence. She also has lost the majority of vision in her left eye. This along with countless other symptoms. The Doctors said she does not have MS, however did have a positive ANA test recently and has been screened for every other disorder, and no one can say what she has or how to fix it, but we ALL know it's the Mirena that caused it, all you have to do is search this forum and see all the other women with the exact same symptoms, none of which Mirena reports. My daughter has shown some improvement in the last year, but is still in very poor health, and continues to suffer terribly with the 'nerve' pain, mainly in her legs/feet and arms and has vision loss that the eye dr says is 'neurological'. She also continues to have severe anxiety and severe memory loss/brain fog/confusion. She has been tested for everything, tried losts of therapies and medications and nothing seems to work. Best of luck to you and please keep posting and sharing. Hope this info helps. Sincerely, Hailey