now to the exciting part!!!!!!!! not to excited yet becasue its early days!!!
but this aldera cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my lips so far have not shown any signs of yellow crusting!!!!! the skin has grown back normal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is a little bit of white skin that comes only on the inner part of the bottom lip whihc is f***iining annoying but im hoping it will stop. and a tiny bit of white slimmy skin on the top lip in the corners. now i dont know if this skin is kind of not use to be healthy and is kind of exfoliating maybe becasue the skin isnt use to be no0rmal i dont know or maybe there is still abit of ec i dont know im just waiting a few more days before i let everyone know there is definate change! its kind of hard becasue my bottom lip were they took the massive biopsy is all swollon so it makes it difficult to tell. but i have been using vaseline. in regards to vaseline i dont think it would make that much difference becasue if there was still heaps of ec the yellow crusts would push through anyways regardless if i have been using it or not??? dont you think???
so my theory is the aldera has killed some of my ec and the vaseline is just keeping my lips moisturized like a normal person would apply vaseline to the lips. i just dont know yet so hold your breathe but maybe this aldera cream is like a wonder drug. even the derms said its so hard to talk about aldera becasue its fairly new and like they said they doubt anyone would of used it on the lips. what they said is with aldera it kinds of sends signals to the cells to begin an inflammation response. they said kind of like sending a signal to the immune system to have a massive boost.
i dont know if i should stop using vaseline and see if there are any chages or if i should keep them abit moist so the lips can heal nicely. i mean when i use vaseline i only apply a tiny bit once in the morning. so its not like im over using it like most people do. i just apply it once a day and use the tinniest bit.
now another problem is when i wet my lips the skin goes abit white in parts now this bothers me but when it dries it goes back to soft normal skin there is no raised hard ec skin begining to build. so im abit puzzled about that.
i guess im not going to get to excited and im just going to wait another 3 or 4 days becasue by then ec will be at its normal state if it comes back.
in regards to moisturizing im so confused i mean maybe we all just need to moisturize our lips as in maybe our lips get easily dry. now when i say this i dont mean now with ec but in general for example if we got rid of ec. like that indian dude how he said if he doesnt apply lip balm every day his lips get really chapped. heck it wouldnt bother me applying once or twice a day a bit of moisturizer ot have nice lips!!!!!!!!!!
anyways let us know what you all think. ill let you guys know how my lips are in 3 days. but i reckon some of you should just man up and try aldera just make sure you do it under doctors super vision the shit is hectic and can casue your breathing organs to swell up when its used on the face. so seek a good doctors advice