Did Sasuke ever turned to Light? I was wondering that when I saw your avatar.
I wouldn't say the typical Light (only the light of truth), but his path is still dark IMO. He's brought Orochimaru back, err, summoned him from a seal to Orochimaru's surprise (he needs him for something). BTW, I only follow the manga. I think that the manga will always need the protagonist/antagonist duality/conflict to keep it going. Sasuke can't return to anything resembling the stereotypical light, it would be some shade of gray at best.
Calcium is far too high indicating biounavailability. (adrenals)
Mercury is too low indicating detoxification problem.
Your question " toxicity or biounavailability ?" is nonsense because biounavailable copper is always toxic to the body. Unbound copper is a free radical damaging tissues 7/24 !
Remeber that copper itself is not the cause of copper toxicity. Damaged adrenals and the fail of the body to bind the copper is one cause of accumulation of toxic copper. The other cause are heavy metals which acts as superoxidizers oxidizing the copper and making it unavailable to the body. The adrenals then try 7/24 to bind this copperoxid and ultimatively fail into adrenal burn out. So there is a higher cause for all this mess. The indication that your body doesn't excrete mercury (as I said above level too low) is at least in my opinion a sign that mercury could well be a problem in your case.
Removing copper will give you only some time to restart the copper problem if mercury/lead is an unresolved problem in you. It is very unlikely that only one toxic metal shows up. Most of the people having copper problems have indeed a multiple metal problem.
I thought cos my toxic metals weren't high, there wasn't really a problem with them - but maybe that's not the case!
No !! This is the number one mistake in interpreting hair mineral analysis. When mercury doesn't show up it is most often the case that the detoxification of your body isn't working. This is an emergency system of your own body, the body isn't detoxing the heavy metals properly through liver and kidneys so it starts storing this inside the body tissues and organs. The mercury will build up until problems start and you will get worse.
I'm not sure if you should chelate copper. Remeber that the copper becomes biounavailable because of other (more toxic) heavy metals like mercury and lead. You will go in circles when you have superoxidizers in your system which will make the copper ionic and oxidized. The adrenals fail because of the oxidized copper AND because of the other superoxidizers (mercury and lead). The cause of copper problems are these more toxic heavy metals and as long you are not chelating them copper will endlessly be a problem for you.
This is the trap most folks are falling into. They think they should just remove the copper and everything is allright but after a few months they wonder why the healing is not coming in a more dramatic way. Your body needs copper for functioning but biounavailable copper (the oxidized one) is toxic and will give you permanent damage, it is a free radical working 24/7, the body is stressed by it even when you are in deep sleep so sleep will not be refreshing. Most people with blown adrenals wake up in the morning deeply stressed.
Getting mercury out of the system is the way to go, then your body will be able to handle the copper and you will get very dramatic copper dumps, I'm speaking here of my own experience. The copper dumps really get starting after 50 rounds of cutler frequent dose mercury chelation in my case.