For what it's worth, I had saved this from an article titled, "DMSO - The Persecuted Drug"
Dr. Stanley Jacob
In part it says,
"A close second is DMSO's effectiveness with head and/or spinal cord injuries. Dr. de la Torre states there are around 1,000,000 head injuries each year. Of these about 500,000 are hospitalized with 50-80,000 being severe, another 50,000 moderate, and the rest less serious. Of the 50,000 severe, 60-70% either die or have severe continuing neurological problems (i.e., paralysis), a multi-billion dollar a year expense.
Research in animals indicates to Dr. de la Torre that if Christopher Reeve had been given DMSO intravenously immediately after his accident, he might never have been paralyzed. Dr. Jacob first has given DMSO intravenously to people who were already paralyzed - paraplegics - and little by little they regained use of limbs. One man, quadraplegic, recovered enough to go through college and then to work in a bank.
A recent study in Turkey combined DMSO with fructose diphosphate. In 20 patients with head injuries, the combination proved very effective in decreasing intracranial pressure. De la Torre declares that in his experience, nothing reduces intracranial pressure faster than DMSO. Animal tests in the 1960's and then human tests on prisoners in 1967 demonstrated that DMSO is non-toxic, indeed, less toxic than aspirin.
In Dr. de la Torre's tests on dogs, injuries that normally would have caused paralysis healed completely when DMSO was given. The mechanisms of action by DMSO are much the same in both strokes and spinal cord injuries. In DMSO, Nature's Healer, Dr. Morton Walker summarizes Dr. de Ia Torre's testimony to Congress in 1980 on DMSO's methodology, based on his research with the drug which began in 1971:
DMSO permits and promotes better blood flow by dilating blood vessels, thus increasing the delivery of oxygen and by reducing blood platelet stickiness.
Because DMSO dilates blood vessels, carotid artery blood flow to the brain increases after DMSO is given intravenously.
After I.V. administration of DMSO, there is an elevation in the amount of spinal cord blood flow to the region of trauma. One of the first things that happens after spinal cord trauma is that a reduction of oxygen and blood flow sets in, inasmuch as the blood vessels constrict or shut down... Without some treatment, the tissue swells. Eventually, this leads to paralysis. In a cerebral stroke, the animal will either become comatose or lethargic or die. With DMSO infusion immediately after injury (or stroke) all this is prevented.
Thirty minutes after giving DMSO I.V., there is an increase in the flow of cortisone, a natural body substance which helps fight off effects of trauma, even though the animal being tested had already stopped secreting cortisone.
DMSO crosses the blood-brain barrier, enters the brain, picks up water from an injury, and rushes it out of the system, thus relieving intracranial pressure.
In animal tests, the animals are brought to a point where the electroencephalogram reading becomes flat, just preceding brain death... Ten minutes after injection of DMSO, the electroencephalogram returns and the brain becomes active again.
Dr.Walker adds, "DMSO tends to protect nerve cells... following injury. It provides better protection than any other treatments. Scientists have verified this by observation with the electron microscope and the light microscope. Thus DMSO prevents the paralysis that may ensue following trauma; it alters the severe effects seen after a brain stroke".
Drs. Jacob and de la Torre believe that DMSO is the treatment of choice in strokes and note that de la Torre's work has been confirmed by at least three different groups of investigators in other parts of the country. They also believe that the combination of DMSO with fructose disphosphate should be the treatment of choice in spinal cord and closed head injuries, where the fructose diphosphate provides energy to help restore damaged tissue."