MH 108
thinning hair can be a result of:
loss of total health
loss of heart health
loss of circulation in the scalp as it "tightens"
hormone issues due to age
inherietness from your mother's dad
loss of mineralization
Herbal Spray I in theory helps total health slowly, the more you use, the better the effects......mosy noticed year by year with better vision, better hearing, better hair, better skin, all depends on the metal load and abilities of the kidneys/liver, etc..
Topknot and every herbal spray starts as Herbal Spray I and 25% added herbs known to help with specific health issues...such as: taking any herbal formula Dr. Christopher made famous and adding (flavoring) it to Herbal Spray I.
RESULTS? Each human is at a differant degree of health, so in theory, all results will vary.
With my wife
her hair turned reddish for 1 full year
then blood for 1 full year
now back to brown
It is not uncommon for the hair to turn reddish, then to a childhood color and then back to adult color over 3 years use. Thinning? thinning happens from hair being choked to death as the scalp tightens.......this is why the Topknot formula eventually became 1/2 Herbal Spray III. Herbs to stimulate more circulation......and naturally it can be made hotter as a person adapts o those type of herbs.......
IF the scalp turns a little pink with circulation after spraying, then the formula was hot enough.....