daniel im at 4 months and its hard i know what your going through i sometimes have very bad thoughts and sometimes i just want to give up on life! iv come to the desicion to battle this for 6 months but after that if im not 90% cured i will seek other treatment and if that doesnt work i will accept that this is some sort of skin condition exzma most likely and find some creams that i can treat it with and just try get on with life what choices do we have? and hope one the medical world becomes so advanced esecially in the skin disease field. anyways i just wanted you to know you are the most bravest person i have ever meet and you literay keep me alive! thanks for everything and if we fail i will hold my head up high saying we tried our best!
its such a shame ihopethishelps ec came back thats a real downer and that makes me think only really lee's has cured his lips ever! but anyways have a good night daniel i really hope something comes of this soon becasue we cant really continue our lives like this. i will resort to some creams like fuicidin that completely hide my ec and will have to take the consequences down the track in life becasue im sure long term creams like what we will be putting on our lips will be harsh in the long run. although if we can find a natural moisturizer like vunk has and our lips are like his i could live with that!