Eva Zemanova is a direct experiencer of the original seeding of humanity on earth before any animal life existed, a very long time ago. We introduce her in this first part, of what is the Bodhgaya Extraterrestrial Event. She was brought ibnto the public domain by researcher Barry King.
This brings a second vitally important subject to view. King's father was in the British Intelliegenec units in WW2 that discovered EBEs at a German R&D facility deepinside Germany at the end of the War. So the Germans were dealing with NonHumans during the war, and as we know from other sources Marconi was asked by the NAZIs to investigate these ET issues during the 30s, which involved transmisions from Ireland. Thus Broadcasting from its earliest times has a ET link. Recorded in Prague, with guest interviewer Joanne Summerscales of The AMMACH Project in a brief section in alter part.
CONFERENCE IS AUGUST 31st Sept2nd in Britannia Hotel, Nottingham. see ammach website for details.
Note Eva was previously recorded by Project Camelot, but audio issues made anything she said impossible to understand. She has a delicate accent, so please persevere.
Eva Zemanova discusses her background and introduces the Bodhgaya incident. Eva Zemanova is a direct experiencer of the original seeding of humanity on earth before any animal life existed, a very long time ago. We introduce her in this first part, of what is the Bodhgaya Extraterrestrial Event. She was brought ibnto the public domain by researcher Barry King.
This brings a second vitally important subject to view. King's father was in the British Intelliegenec units in WW2 that discovered EBEs at a German R&D facility deepinside Germany at the end of the War. So the Germans were dealing with NonHumans during the war, and as we know from other sources Marconi was asked by the NAZIs to investigate these ET issues during the 30s, which involved transmisions from Ireland. Thus Broadcasting from its earliest times has a ET link. Recorded in Prague, with guest interviewer Joanne Summerscales of The AMMACH Project in a brief section in alter part.
Note Eva was previously recorded by Project Camelot, but audio issues made anything she said impossible to understand. She has a delicate accent, so please persevere.
Eva Zemanova discusses her background and introduces the Bodhgaya incident. Eva Zemanova is a direct experiencer of the original seeding of humanity on earth before any animal life existed, a very long time ago. We introduce her in this first part, of what is the Bodhgaya Extraterrestrial Event.
She was brought into the public domain by researcher Barry King.This brings a second vitally important subject to view. King's father was in the British Intelligence units in WW2 that discovered EBEs at a German R&D facility deep inside Germany at the end of the War. So the Germans were dealing with Non Humans during the war, and as we know from other sources Marconi was asked by the NAZIs to investigate these ET issues during the 30s, which involved transmissions from Ireland. Thus Broadcasting from its earliest times has a ET link. Recorded in Prague, with guest interviewer Joanne Summerscales of The AMMACH Project in a brief section in alter part.
Note Eva was previously recorded by Project Camelot, but audio issues made anything she said impossible to understand. She has a delicate accent, so please persevere.
In Part 4 Eva Zemanova describes the basic principles of the Bodhgaya Spacecraft's drive, energy source and methos of traveling through space, and dealing with the variety of time-space fields and technology required. She seems to switch to "being one of the ETs" and describes from the we and us viewpoint. The Human-ET origins are further outlined. The craft can still be there. Buried deep below the ground in India.
She continues, in Part 5 discussing Barry King's father's data on the Non Humans in Nazi R&D facilities found by the British in WW2. The 2nd story is vital as it solidly brings Nazis, Marconi and Pre War ET Contact with the Nazi into view.
In the final part of Eva Zemanova's interview on The Bodhgaya incident, with Miles Johnston, on Human-ET Origins, we discuss the report's author, Barry King, whom I interviewed in 1994 for Bases, now available as Bases One 2010 edition.
King's father was part of a British 'R-E-M-E' unit who was dispatched to investigate a strange Nazi R&D facility at the close of WW2. His father encountered Non Human Beings, some would say EBEs. They were being used for biological energy field modifications of human experimentees from the camps, by the Nazis.
Eva describes why this should be so.
It also plugs right in,to the fact the British and the Germans knew of the E-B-Es, i.e. "Aliens" were known during the war. PreWar data illustrates even earlier German involvement,and thus British Military must have known well before WW2 the Germans had ETs.
Marconi's connection, and his Irish broadcasts, and the strange effects some now notice about the effects of Broadcasting has had on humanity since then, are alluded to here. In simple terms there is a "secondary" signal in broadcasting affecting humanity.
This Edit took weeks of effort to get into the encoded state for upload. The term "Watch Out, Scuttlers About" comes to mind. Consequently the raw preview edit is available.