MH allways says that the bible is a story of the human body, people and places are actually parts of the body. This guy verifys it. Also tells who changed it all!!
Not sure if you or anyone else listened to this guy. It takes him alittle while to get into it, but once he does it is fasinating and hard to stop watching. He says the same things as you about the catholic church and goes way back to the egyptians. O my so much unlearning to do !!!
What are Book II and III? Are they on your website? I would love to read them. Not enough hours in the day to read. Always looking for new stuff and the more non-mainstream the better.
Thank you for posting, this is right up my alley. One of my dreams is to have time to read and study all the videos and books I can find on this topic. It is fascinating!!! I have a box of Hilton Hotema books waiting to be read as well. I've read a couple of them. The better I feel, the more time and energy I'll have for such things, hopefully :)