i keep hearing how they kill hiv, but read nothng on if it kills the hiv virus as it hides in cells and other parts of the body.
i was dianosed in may with a 205 viral load i staryed using ozone rectal for 1 month along with 700 ppm
Colloidal Silver and mms all for 1 month.
later my hiv doc ordered a hiv 1 genotype blood test to start me on meds, the used the rt-pcr test, my test came back, it said unable to report do to low viral load, there was nothing eles on the paper.
the doc then lied and said the lab never ran my blood sample because my viral load was too low to begin with. now how will they know that without running it? also my last labs a clinnict ran it to the lab, my hiv doc ordered a genotype test, i dont think om on the same file for them to know my previous results
my question is though will ozone kill hiv yhays hiding, i had a low viral load and caught it early, begore it even got the chance to make it to the million range.