My great great grandfather was a yankee who fought to free the slaves.
He was captured and detained by the confederate soldiers and put in a prisoner of war camp. They gave him one pint of dry corn to eat every 30 days, or was it a week? Whatevers...
He weighed 160
pounds when he went he went to war and 87
pounds when it was over. He was not the only person who was starved. But the soldiers who fought the civil war did not use their starvation as a tool for political gain.
War is war. It is what it is.
Unless it is contrived to be used for an ulterior purpose.
How long is the USA going to assist Israel in abusing the Palestinians the same way the Jews were abused in Germany?
When are we going to stop fighting over oil and stop people from mutilating their children's genitalia? When are we going to stop helping countries that require women to cover, even as much as their faces in public, because the men might get an erection and feel embarrassed?
The latter are worth fighting for. We could use corn or water for fuel if the petroleum cartel had not blocked the patents on the processes and equipment. Why did they do that? Do we need to suck the oil out of the earth to keep her from spinning out of control?