Hi everyone-ipostedhere last over a year ago I think. I had ovarian cysts with lots of pain. I managed to resolve the cysts, but I stopped my protocol of
Iodine supplementing and only intermittently supp vit a. Well Last week I had a recurrence of the ovarian cyst symptoms. I though it was food poisoning at first but then I remembered my cysts symptoms. I started applying
Lugols on my stomach with coconut oil as the carrier. The pain lessened significantly in 2 days, and now 11 days later I am nearly pain free. I believe the cyst was so large that it was interfering with my lintesitines and digestive process causing all sorts of problems and extreme pain. I stopped using the
Lugols 2 days ago and so far so good. I have a ultrasound scheduled this Friday. Anyway, just wanted post this as a reminder that our bodies continually need iodine. I wished I had stayed on a small dose since first resolution- I believe I will use it going forward during days 14-28 o f my cycle (since day 14 was when this occurred again. Thank God for
Lugols and you all for supporting everyone.
One interesting thing was that the first time round I supplemented internally with the pills, but thist time around I had anoverwhelmning impulse to apply externally. It worked within 15 mins of each app.