The main thing to look at is what the lips look like after each peel. (If your lips are getting worse when they peel then something is causing them to peel too early and we need to figure out exactly what that is. And also if you aren't taking pictures each week then you can't sit there and say they haven't gotten better when you have no idea what they used to look like...I have doubted myself MANY times only to look back at a month or two previous and see that I have actually been making slow but steady progress) I have documented progress that each peel my lips look better, sometimes considerably better. If you download all of my pictures where the lips have peeled and click through them as I have done before you will no doubt realize that my lips are getting better.
Not only do they feel better, but they are more mobile as well...I still can't smile of course, but yawning and other things that used to break the crusts no longer do.
Also as I have said plenty of times before you are welcome to watch me cure myself before attempting this and going through the embarrassment, I only put my blog live so that people could follow me and watch me do it; if you are skeptical on the entire theory then I would suggest you try something else and see if it makes your lips better.
As for me, my lips are better. And they are not getting worse...so I know this is working and it is my commitment to myself and everyone else struggling with this condition to prove that there is at least one way to cure this.
And thanks for posting the pictures Ryan! I love seeing what everyone else's lips look like, and what method they are using to try to heal themselves. I personally can see a slight improvement from your first peel to your second peel. Keep us posted!