I found few mistakes on this GREAT (overall) plan.
Stomach acid fight with cancer and other too.
Bleching, reflux are low stomach acid symptoms.
Sodium-Potassium ratio (Blood type B for SURE) should be beetween 2.2:1 - 4:1.
4:1 for active people.
Best is about 3:1, but with candida use 3.5:1 - this is one of few reasons why BEE WILDER PLAN not working as schould work !
Bee suggest 1,5 small tablesoopn with candida and 1 tablespoon after heal, but if human eat 3-4 times daily veggie, ratio will be WRONG !
After heal 3:1 and additionally one tablespoon salt for every 2 liters drinking.
Too much magnessium : she say 300 mg twice a day; when healed take 350-450 mg per day.
TOO MUCH - take maximum 300mg from supps , where overall with diet max 500mg!!
Why ??
Stomach acid - low: Low Vitamin B1, low Vit B3/4, low Vit C, low Vit D, low folate, low chloride, low iron,low manganese, low phosphorus, low nickel, low cobalt, high calcium, high magnesium.
Too much calcium (a little bit):
300 mg calcium twice a day; when healed take 300-350 mg per day.
TOO Much - take half tablesoon (300mg) i take this amount, because i have 900mg from diet(green, eggs,veggie, flax).
No more then 1300-1400 !!
Why ??
Stomach acid - low: Low Vitamin B1, low Vit B3/4, low Vit C, low Vit D, low folate, low chloride, low iron,low manganese, low phosphorus, low nickel, low cobalt, high calcium, high magnesium.
Some of as can loose muscle on anti-candida diet, why ?:
Anorexia (lack of appetite): Low Vitamin B6, low Vit B12, high/low folate, high/low Vit A, high/low Vit B3/4,low chloride, high/low iron, high/low zinc, high/low sodium, high/low phosphorus, low protein, low Vit C, lowVit B1, low iodine, high/low stomach acid, heavy metal toxicity.