Keep in mind that there is no approval process, no permit system, no application process, no review and no control over the installation of this type of video surviellance equipment in Nova Scotia.
Anyone can install a camera in any public place and do what they want, be that viewing, recording video, using face recognition software, selling data and images, tracking the movement of private individuals or whatever else they can get away with.
Since the Halifax Police Service is keenly interested in using CCTV to monitor public streets it seems unlikley they would raise any objections related to privacy issues.
I understand the "Big Brother" argument but this in public and on private properties. Let em watch. What's the concern? You only have a concern if you're doing something wrong. People spy and watch without cameras! Are we going to ban eyeballs too?
WHEN you are in a mall washroom doin your buisness , just remember this post. There is NO law stopping malls from recording YOU. it IS COMPLETELY legal to put a camera inside the toilet if they wanted to. extream crazy but totally legal
of course of course of course i'd mind.... nobody wants their bits on camera. i just know of a lot of cases where attacks & robberies took place or children were abducted or people went missing whatever the case was, where CCTV was invaluable in providing clues. In an ideal world we would not have the crimes being committed that lead to this kind of surveillance being necessary... but until then.
Besides, it wouldnt really concern me unless pictures of me having a pee were being broadcast on the internet or something!!
those willing to sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither!Moving into a police state may seem innocent enough and the motto "if your not doing anything wrong" is one way of initiating it! Big Brother will always tell you its for your own good. When such things as forced innoculation take place and the death toll rises from these poisons it will be to late to speak up and protest against government criminals telling you that you are the one commiting a crime by demanding your constitutional rights! Apathy is not what maintains a free society!
I agree, but video cams in public streets doesn't infringe on privacy in my opinion. You're in the public eye anyway. I don't support cams in bathrooms though or chips inserted into people, unless they are a known terrorist or convicted felon.
its not as good(live) and more expensive, but health food stores should have organic apple cider in a glass jug on the shelf. at least its clean from poisons.