by Zen Gardner
Let’s call this globalist bunch of evil parasitic miscreants what they are. Wherever they originate and whatever controls them, it’s the same old disgusting inhuman scum doing the same old thing.
And telling humanity it’s for their good.
“Now everyone, into the slaughterhouse, and let’s keep the noise down.”
New World Nuthin’
This NWO they’re marketing as some kind of flashy new “big idea” is just another throwback to the gory, glory days of the total tyrannical empires of the dark overlords of yore. They’ve been running this con for millennia under their self-ordained authority as supposedly deriving from sacrosanct bloodlines, presupposed aristocratic heritage rights, contrived financial and military advantage, or more recently under the cleverly crafted eugenicist cry of “survival of the fittest”.
It’s nothing new, it’s nothing so-called “advanced”, nor by any stretch is it something “progressive”.
It’s already in place and just as dark, controlling and sinister today as it ever was. And their planned final phase and full “revelation” of what these termites have been up to is just around the corner.
Galactic Ogres in Human Form?
Maybe not that far fetched after all.
Theories abound how this invading parasitic influence arrived on earth and in what form. Is it just human nature’s worst side coming forward? Or is it humanity letting trans-dimensional or satanic forces work through them? Have literal alien species invaded and taken furtive control of the planet beginning long ago? Are those same forces struggling between themselves for control while we pay the price, and easily seduced humans play varying roles in their scam for personal power and plenty?
Does it even matter?
It might be good to know, but we’re in a war of the worlds any way you look at it and people need to realize that. There is an enemy of mankind and it’s those posing as our “leaders”.
Sorry, they are rulers, overlords, following the age old pattern of breaking down society into a moldable, containable resource with no ability to resist the whims of its oppressors.
the rest: