For those concerned about large doses of
Iodine going into their body, Doctors routinely administer 70 GRAMS of
Iodine dye into the arteries while performing radiographic tests. This blows the LIE by the government, wide open, that 4 Grams or more of iodine, taken orally MAY kill you...
In complicated cases, these massive quantities may have to be increased by 100 per cent or even more, involving more than 200 GRAMS (g) of
Iodine (400++ g of RCM) being injected intravascularly for film-screen radiographic angiography, probably the largest quantity of any drug used in the whole of clinical medicine.
Wow! 200 GRAMS of iodine and some of these same doctors work with the FDA to limit the amount of iodine you can buy!!! WTH! Sorry It irritates me. t2t
Very large amounts of iodine are necessary because of the low sensitivity inherent in conventional photographic film-screen radiography. This low sensitivity to iodine is not an inherent property of the X-ray beam but is due to the low sensitivity of the photographic process in distinguishing minor differences in radio-opacity. Alternative nonphotographic X-ray detection recording systems, such as photodetectors with electronic amplification, like those used in CT scanning and in digital subtraction angiography (DSA), are very much more sensitive to minor differences in iodine concentration as demonstrated by 95 per cent tumour blush in all cerebral tumours on CT after IV injection of RCM compared to about 20 per cent blush after intra-arterial injection using photographic film-screen radiography.
The average daily physiological turnover of iodine is 0.0001 GRAM (g.) The total iodine content in the body (mainly in the thyroid) is 0.01 GRAM (g). The requirement for a 2-, 3- or 4-vessel angiogram (with conventional film-screen photographic recording) may be 70 GRAMS (g) of iodine, delivered in, say, 30 min into the arterial supply trees of very sensitive organs, for example, the brain, kidney, or heart. This is 700 000 times the daily body turnover of iodine and it is testimony to the low toxicity of radiographic contrast media such as iothalamate RCM (either HOCM or LOCM) that this huge quantity of iodine can be accepted into the arterial tree of the most sensitive organs of the body with very rare evidence of severe toxicity.
In complicated cases, these massive quantities may have to be increased by 100 per cent or even more, involving more than 200 GRAMS (g) of iodine (400++ g of RCM) being injected intravascularly for film-screen radiographic angiography, probably the largest quantity of any drug used in the whole of clinical medicine.
iothalamate: a water-soluble iodinated radiopaque medium for a variety of radiographic procedures, including ANGIOGRAPHY, ARTHROGRAPHY, UROGRAPHY, CHOLANGIOGRAPHY, and computed tomographic imaging.
Iodine, as a physically dense element with high electron density and high atomic number, is quite radio-opaque (i.e.,it absorbs X-rays well).