I found this hard to watch, pretty dark & ugly. Guess it would have more meaning to those that are into to the hidden meaning of things. Reminded me of some of the drawing at the airport in Denver. Also G W Bush was reading My Pet Goat in school room on 9/11... E
Yeah it creeped out my wife too. I'm trying to figure out if it's someone trying to show what the NWO is about, or if it's the NWO showing what they are about and what their plan is. You can tell a lot of time, work and money went into it.
Would be great for where you live with all the sunshine you have. Might be hard to use here in Washington with all the cloudy weather. But I'm buying a few at that price!
Here's a video showing one being used for starting a fire.
Looks like food, gas and power were the biggest complaints. Food and gas are pretty easy to solve, it's the power that is the hardest. For People in sunny states, solar is an easy solution. And they could even buy a Stirling engine to power things. Especially with a large Fresnel lens. Looks like hydro is best for here in the northwest. Not enough sun or wind to rely on here, but plenty of water. Gotta get these things done soon, because it looks like the stuff will hit the fan before election time.
Been looking into hidden walls too. At least in my house, there are plenty of places to hide food without it being discovered by home searches.
Chaz, that lens is too cool! I am going to buy a couple. Yes, they would really work great here. Would have to make sure to be very careful when using it. Wouldn't want to be on the evening news for burning up a hundred acres. Too bad they wouldn't be as good for you but you are lucky to have all that wonderful water. Would you please send some rain our way.
If you figure out the NWO film let me know. I looked around to see what else tied into in it but only saw the same video in different time frames. A few G W videos about the goat book. Yes there was a
lot of hard work put in the making of the video & the art work was very good but the theme was disturbing. It looked like Jesus was in some sort of Egyptian boat with fire at his feet. I'm not into that sort of thing & haven't made a study of it. I am sure it has meaning for some. Was this put out because of the Olympics?
By the way thanks for all the info awhile back on the computers.
I still have a lot to do to get prepared. It is slow going guess everyone feels that way. Thanks again...E
I'm glad you liked the lens. Like you said be careful with it. They are like an instant oven with what ever it's pointed at. And watch out for the eyes. They will be good here some times for sure. We're going to be over 80 tomorrow for the first time this year.
I saw that Jesus looking character being more of a anti-Christ. Looking like Jesus but with the fire at his feet being the opposite. And with him staring at the sun, being pagan or a sun worshiper or something. And then the comets or objects coming from the sun or it's direction and destroying buildings, meaning something is coming from the sky. Of course I've been thinking something outside of our planet is happening that is affecting all the planets in our solar system.
But I don't know. I'm not going to watch that video enough to figure it out though. I'm concentrating on solutions rather than the problems like you. ;-)
Also I am interested in purchasing this lens... looks fantastic.
And, Here's my take:
The Jesus looking character represents humanity. Mostly asleep. The awakening of humanity is represented by the flame of awareness, heart center - unconditional love. As the fire grows (consciousness increases) it will melt away the old paradigm. As the paradigm melts away due to the fire of awareness of the awakening masses, we become free from the old infrastructure built by the old ideology. And awakening to the memory of who we really are - symbolized by the character finally opening his eyes as he becomes free from the old (frozen) paradigm.
The Sun plays a part in this.
Mayan Calendar prophecy says that the ending of the "5th Sun" will be by fire. The galactic center sends energy to this solar system as it passes through the galactic plane. The sun will be/is strongly affected. As the magnetosphere cracks apart, new energies will find their way to the core of Earth, triggering the genetic codes to re-awaken as well.
The old paradigm will be destroyed. Illuminati hierarchy, symbolized by the Pyramidal structures, these are the buildings that u see that are being destroyed by energies transmitted to the Earth from the Galactic center via the heliosphere of the solar system - i.e. the Sun.
Yeah that's a good interpretation of it too. You can look at it from the humanity view or the elite view. There's probably another angle that it can be viewed at too. I hope you're view is right!