Just an update to the above: for some people the removal of these teeth (done with very careful Huggins protocol) could be literally life-saving.
That said, I no longer am so utterly wedded to the idea that we must, first and foremost, get rid of "offending" teeth. As Atom Bergstrom often replies to questions of how, what, and when: "yes, no, maybe". Meaning, it depends on timing, and so on. He has a number of books that can be bought, but I've mainly -thus far- listened to him free, online.
When I joined curezone many years ago, I was, or soon became convinced I was suffering from mercury toxicity, adrenal exhaustion, and a host of other things besides. Over the years I'v been led to increasingly more simple, and radical ideas -- and I now know it's as I once, dimly, as a child imagined: that things ARE far simpler than we imagine when we first begin to open our eyes, usually as very sick adults, to anti-nutrition and the usual game that passes for
"the way it is".
What i'm trying to say is, when people who know quite a bit teach "the terrain is everything", and it is, they ought to add, the energetic terrain is everything. the physical is the tip of the iceberg. But usually, people feel completely 'at sea' (like a lost or melting iceberg?) when they consider the "energetic" level--
because, how do you even get a handle on it? The key to this is what the work of Kam Yuen is all about. Like a lot of good people in the health and healing fields, Kam Yuen was a chiropractor. (and an engineer, and a martial artist)
What's unique about his life-path is that it's led him to some radical and extremely simple discoveries.
I'll leave it to the reader to do the research, if, and as s/he is inspired.
I'm not around on curezone anymore, have seen a lot of people come and go,
but lots of my posts are here. The reader should bear in mind, I was learning too. At this point, I am much healthier than I was fifteen years ago--and much happier.
a few things that were very good for me, en route to now:
*eating lots of greens
(today, i know more about 'sun-synch nutrition--which is a godsend for anyone on a limited budget--it allows you to eat small amounts of the right thing at the right time, and know that it is going exactly where it's needed)
*being well-hydrated. the 'sicker', or more 'sick and tired' you feel, the more likely it is you are dehydrated.
*eating pure, highly-mineralized salt
*approaching food as medicine, medicine as food. This should be the BASIS of health, and rejuvenation.
* a ten-day vipassana retreat (free, worldwide. one of THE best things I've done in my life)
*water fasting. Was GREAT for me, (see my posts) but I do not recommend anyone jumping into it, nor doing it to solve a weight issue, or a serious emotional-eating issue. one of the top things it did for me was break my enslavement to limiting beliefs and/or worldviews
*diatomaceous earth-- a good, inexpensive mineralizer and 'detoxifier.'
*ho'opono'pono --brilliant, paradigm-shifting intro. to human potential: see Dr. hew Len
*the emotion code-- can be very good for re-connecting one to buried emotions, and to learning about how energy shapes matter
And finally--as of today; and i see this as having literally unlimited potential:
the foundational essentials of the "Yuen Method", which incorporates all that Dr. Kam Yuen has learned, experienced, mastered, discovered, and Simplified, over his seventy plus years.
all the best