I have a case that had been on statins for two years after a heart attack. + blood thinners.
His symptoms was fatigue, brain fog, muscle pains, and an erectile dysfunction that was devestating for his marriage.
I am not allowed to tell people to get off medication, but I can pass on some information, the choice will be up to them. In that search for info I found some interesting facts, like;
"Iodine Deficiency and Atherosclerosis
The results from each group were intriguing:
•Control rabbits fed cholesterol developed marked aortic atherosclerosis.
•Rabbits fed the cholesterol-rich diet and thyroxine (T4) showed slight to moderate aortic atherosclerosis.
•Rabbits fed the cholesterol-rich diet and either desiccated thyroid or
Iodine had NO atherosclerotic lesions.
•In the group of rabbits given the potassium bromide or potassium chloride and the cholesterol, all of the rabbits exhibited marked atherosclerosis.
In other words, the effectiveness of potassium
Iodide was not shared by potassium bromide or potassium chloride, so potassium was not the mitigating factor.
The study showed that the presence of whole thyroid or
Iodine resulted in a marked decline in the development of atherosclerosis.
Then the fact that they manage to get a good result on statins in scientific tests; this is a long read, but worth it. Just highlighted;
"I think this is the crucial effect of statin therapy that leads to a reduction in heart attack risk: the heart is well supplied with a healthy alternative fuel.
This is all well and good, except that the muscle cells get wrecked in the process. Their cell walls are depleted in cholesterol because cholesterol is in such short supply, and their delicate fats are therefore vulnerable to oxidation damage. This problem is further compounded by the reduction in coenzyme Q10, a potent antioxidant. The muscle cells are energy starved, due to dysfunctional mitochondria, and they try to compensate by processing an excessive amount of both fructose and glucose anaerobically, which causes extensive glycation damage to their crucial proteins. Their membranes are leaking ions, which interferes with their ability to contract, hindering movement. They are essentially heroic sacrificial lambs, willing to die in order to safeguard the heart."
Anyway. This man has now been on
Iodine & co for about half a year, weaned himself of statins and Marevan (excanged with vit E) doing better, performing better. He is pleased, so is his wife.