Michael B, I really like you. I find you to be extremely intelligent, passionate and quite hilarious. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, however, when your opinion is "in the gutter" can you either A: keep it to yourself, or B: state aformentioned opinion in a witty and elegant way? ... rather than a crass and disrespectful way?
Ginagirl's posting history here speaks for itself, she has contributed many, many hours of her time helping people and asking nothing in return. I ask that all treat her with the respect that she has earned.
Sylvette has also contributed a huge amount of time and precious info although the casual observer would not know it as he likes to change his username to an anonymous # after the posts have stood a few days. Nevertheless, the contributions on his part have been huge.
Respect, ok?
It gets boring and repetitive to always be answering the same old questions. If prolific helpers like G-girl want to have a little fun and blow off a little steam, let her, ok? Don't make it ugly. please.