Here is a woman who cured her lyme disease using ONLY raw milk.
I'm a type O and I have no problem with any dairy, however, raw dairy doesn't cause allergies because there are only live good bacteria in it.
It is the good bacteria that kills off the bad.
Also, the reason people have an allergy to pasturized milk is due to all the 250,000 pathogens being killed and their dead bodies are still in the milk along with pus from the diseased teats.
This causes a histamine response.
Another possible issue can be due to the A1 mutant gene in holstein cows
I had read another, but cannot find the site, now, sorry.
jeff Smith discussed how the BT toxin in gmo corn punctures holes in the stomachs of the pests that eat corn.
This would explain quite few diseases due to intestinal and colon perforations.
Raw milk puts a protective mucus around the GI tract and the good bacteria kill the bad ones.
Pasturized milk has over 200,000 pathogenic guts and pus in the milk which causes an histamine response.
This is why people who are allergic to conventional milk have no problem with grass-fed, antibiotic free raw milk.
Anyone with an autoimmune disease should absolutely, have their 25-hydroxy D levels within 60-80 ng/mL.
Iodine plays a major role in correcting autoimmune diseases, too.
Hopes this helps,