Sometimes when I search for info, something else come up. Like now when searching for copper,
the Ithyroid page of manganese show up. I had forgotten how important Mn is in thyroid issues, iron levels, etc.
Like thyroid tests, how a deficiency of minerals can affect them; and an excess of course will cause their set of problems.
"The following study indicates that if manganese is extremely low, the conversion of T4 to T3 will be accelerated by increased 5'D-I activity, leading to higher blood levels of T3."
Biol Trace Elem Res 1996 Oct-Nov;55(1-2):137-45
"Manganese is called the "maternal mineral" because manganese deficiency in females causes a reduced maternal caring for her young. Mn is necessary for the production of manganese superoxide dismutase, one of the key antioxidants in the body. Enzymes involved in cholesterol synthesis are manganese dependent, so a manganese deficiency can decrease sex drive. Mn is required for normal thyroid and adrenal gland activity.
Manganese seems to work with iron and is therefore necessary for proper iron metabolism. Excessive iron or copper supplementation can decrease manganese and excessive manganese can deplete iron and copper. Therefore it is important to supplement manganese (and it's partner chromium) when supplementing iron and copper.
Manganese is essential for the formation of thyroxine. Necessary for vitamin K production. "Manganese given to older schizophrenic patients to lower copper levels sometimes results in a rise in blood pressure." Manganese deficiency can cause dizziness, ear noises, and deafness. Manganese helps treat myasthenia gravis (failure of muscular coordination and loss of muscle strength). Important in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and diabetes. Manganese is effective in increasing copper excretion from the body. Pg.124
Hypothyroidism, ataxia (muscle coordination failure), deafness, convulsions, chondrodystrophy, asthma, retarded growth, infertility, miscarriages, loss of libido in females and males, skeletal defects, disruption of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, joint problems (including TMJ, slipped tendon, repetitive motion syndrome, and carpal tunnel syndrome), osteoporosis, ringing in ears, dizziness, fatigue, myasthenia gravis, allergies, hypoglycemia, diabetes.
Anorexia, ataxia, iron deficiency, copper deficiency, neurological symptoms, schizophrenia, criminal behavior
Blueberries, ginger, rice, egg yolks, green vegetables, legumes, nuts, bananas, olives, avocados, kelp, tea
Iron, copper, tranquilizers.