Let me begin by saying that i'm super, SUPER excited to have found this message board and the Humaworm product line!
After suffering for TEN YEARS with absolutely horrific, satanically powerful suicidal depression, panic and hallucinations - rivaled only by the depths of hell itself - I finally discovered that I had a severe candida overgrowth issue. I began the usual protocols, (probiotics, coconut oil, raw garlic, strict diet), and after about a couple weeks of harsh die-off, (the last two nights being the worst), the candida problem seems to have been solved. Luckily, I was able to push a very aggressive treatment plan for the whole two weeks, as orally ingesting epsom salt multiple times per day reduced the die off to a somewhat tolerable level. Add in some intense aerobic exercise, and I'm already feeling like a new man. However, I know I can reach even better heights.
Three nights ago, I brewed homemade ginger tea for the first time, simmering the diced ginger for 20 minutes. After drinking the tea - washing down raw garlic I'd eaten just before - I relaxed and let it "kick in." About 30 minutes after ingestion, I developed this deep, dull muscle ache in my upper back and shoulders, with some "twitching" thrown in the mix. This also occurred the next morning after another cup. Later that night, it seemed to have worked itself out, only to migrate to new areas! =) My right bicep now ached, as did my right neck muscle, about midway up reaching to my skull "socket." Couple that with some more itchiness and also some pain in my lower left abdomen, (along with some twitching sensations), as well as a nightmare last night in which I was fighting off and stomping to death what looked like a small alien blob with tentacles, and I'd say it's apparent that I have a classic case of parasitic infection.
My main concern is that for a number of years, I was an alcoholic, as this was the only substance that offered any sort of break from the non-stop depression. It wasn't until I discovered opiates (Suboxone) that I finally found non-alcoholic relief from my debilitating symptoms. This was after I'd tried virtually every psychiatric medication in existence. Do I want to use opiates? No. Do I absolutely have to use them to lead any resemblance of a normal life? Yes. Any tips for potentially resilient parasites?
That being said, I know for a fact that this cleanse is going to do wonders for me. After the Humaworm program, I then want to move onto heavy metals, as I do have silver fillings inside my mouth, since my early teen years (I'm 28 now.) If I take even ONE drop of Lugol's Iodine solution, *BAM* 3 days of face-melting anxiety. Must be the damned mercury.
Now let's all take a moment and thank the Almighty God for the internet! Where would we be without it?!?!?