I suffer the similar fate.
get a good mattress and pillows to sleep on. don't skimp magic foam the best.
increase your magnesium for a few days to double the daily requirement. I lost 90% of my pain as I increased the mineral intake. I take 100% daily requirement with an additional multivitamin.
Do stretched each morning. In the late Jack Lalane's book 'live young. . ." he has a set of stretches for warm up to any other workout, but even without a workout these stretches help me a lot.
Remember, lower back pain in the morning usually is a constipated bowel and usually dissipates after a movement.
Also change your sleeping position. don't sleep on you shoulder with your arm extended above your head and your hip stretched straight out when you sleep. When you enter deep sleep you will put your shoulder and hip out of place this happens a lot with those 40 and 0ver. A chiropractor and a deep tissue massage can help get that set right.
When sleeping on your side keep you arm folded slightly in front of you hand next to your face, keep you knees slightly bent with a pillow between them this position helps relieve a lot of sleep related pain in shoulders and hips.
Get a good vitamin mineral supplement. Google "tangy tangerine" if you can afford it that one mineral supplement will help you a lot. No I am not a salesman for them it just is one of the best available.