Rant mode on:
This is the kind of information we should all be sharing and passing on to help raise awareness and make a real difference in Life/the World at large. Not the kind of pety hate mongering, unsubstantiated innuendo, ad-hominem >gossip< and strawman arguments these lone impotent, vile, paranoid, political sociopath a$$holes keep spewing out in volumes. In their misery and ignorance they fail to see that the ignorant hate and garbage they spew sez way more about how nasty and miserable their lives are and their level of human consciousness and what ignorant, vile, nasty human beings they really are that contribute absolutely NOTHING to the well being of no one or Life in general.
One can only try to assume that since this is a health oriented site that these miserable beings are at the end of their wasted, miserable and empty lives and or are suffering from some illness besides certifiable dementia and that this is their swansong or impotent old coot saber rattling. Rather than live out their last years on the planet in a modicum of peace and harmony and try do some positive good as their last acts they choose to go out spewing hate and bile....... got a news flash for these vile people. >That< is the main cause of their illness in addition to the "high probability" of years of alcohol abuse.............
They are simply using up somebody else's oxygen..............
Rant off: Now back to our regularly schedule programing.........;+D It was in me and it had to come out ;+D BOTI ! (better out than in) A mental "liver flush" if you will............ ;+D