The human gnome project proved that humans don't cancer when they failed to find (a turned on all by itself) cancer gene.
Genes can't turn themselves on and it takes a huge number of environmental signals to unsheath it and turn it on.
Inherited disease are those that the lab created as bioweapons in vaccines and dumped them into our blood stream (with toxic heavy metals) where our immune system is extremely limited and is not supposed to find them.
We inherited the SV40 virus from the Deathcare system.
If it is not a virus living in my jaw, what is it?
Why have they tracked Americans and found that they all, including their children, have the SV40 virus?
Do we just have viruses and they don't do anything, but just live on us as a host without any damage?
Dr Len Horrowitz got it from the interviewing dr and used it in his documentary, "In Lies We Trust"