I have a 3 years old male cat that deesn't seem to recover from FCV. He was in the hospital for 1 week and seemed back then that he was doing good, that was 3.5 months ago. We got homeopathics remedies to treat him and the other cat that got it as well but was only sick for 1 week with mild simptoms. The most affected are his hind paws and lately is trying to walk on the 2 front paws only. The simptoms are changing all the time, a few days he is grinding his teeth and the mouth is swollen, some other days is one paw or the other, now acctually both hind paws. This makes me think he is reinfected all the time. Homeopathics don't seem to work, I gave him
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement activated, no more than 1 drop a day, now I introduce the DMSO, we had the nosode as well back 2 months ago,lysine,
Lugol 1 drop. What is to be done? Somethimes he won't eat or let us touch him, it has been more than taxing on us.
Please help