Excellent video.
But I'm curious if it's really that bad? I mean, people can only smell me from about halv a meter. At you, they can smell you from a much longer distant.
Normally people can't smell it in a room, it's when they get out and come in again.
Let me tell you some of my secrets I do to reduce my
Body Odor :
First of all it comes from my generel body (armpit, chest, back). I know it's internal because the food I eat has an impact. Recently I noticed people saying that it smells like something buring? A burning smell?
1. Sport: Besides bathing, this is probably the best way to flush the toxins out of my body/skin. 2-3 times a week is good. I play basketball where I run, jump and whatever. At the end of the training my shirt is full of sweat.
2. Bathing all over the body inclusiv the back. I noticed that the longer the shampoo is on the skin the more worse it becomes. I wash every place 2 times with shampoo fast. I think cold water helps even more.
3. No alcohol, garlic etc.
This way I reduce it a lot. But I'm still searching for a real cure :(