Take a few minutes to take the Domestic Violence & Abuse Survey. Options that have a BLUE QUESTION MARK ( ? ) next to them have additional facts and information with regard to the specific question.
One participant commented that they found a particular question to be "offensive." GOOD. We should be offended when it comes to ignorance about DV&A. Many have been the times when friends, family members, Law Enforcement, counseling therapists, and Judges have engaged in VICTIM BLAME. Even in this age of information and "education," people are still woefully ignorant of what domestic violence and abuse really is, and whom victims really are.
Educate yourself about the facts of domestic violence and abuse, and help to stop the cycle.
"Many have been the times when friends, family members, Law Enforcement, counseling therapists, and Judges have engaged in VICTIM BLAME...."
So true. As a child (male) who was sexually and physically abused by adults and siblings I learned that as an adult I didn't dare approach a family member to talk about it, let alone accuse them. Particularly the sexual abuse from an older sibling who, educated and working in a professional field I know would have literally killed me if I were to ever mention it to anybody. He had a pistol and would have used it in a minute and had assaulted people as an adult without ever being reported.
I empathize with females who are sexually abused as children and don't ever mention that to those females that I know were abused because I found that it is seen by them as some kind of fake facade aimed at getting into their pants, which it isn't. So, I just keep it to myself and do my own self-healing through the meditation that I've learned which has turned me from suicide, PTSD, and other horrors that I've been through on my path back to God. We are all a part of God, the abused and the abusers alike and we are here learning how to do that, each in our own way and on our own individual path.
I find nothing in the survey section regarding childhood abuse, sexua| or otherwise, and because it is anonymous think that it should have its own separate survey area. It could even be divided into child sexua| abuse and childhood physical abuse.
You can write a survey, yourself! It's probably a really good idea to get all questions prepared and any links/facts researched. GOOD IDEA!!!
Where may I obtain this "education?" "Education" with regard to Domestic Violence and Abuse may be had by visiting www.ndvh.org, or by Google searching "domestic violence facts."
Domestic as in at home or as a country? Really? It can be both - "domestic" in the original message refers to family violence and/or abuse. Different countries have different views and approaches to the epidemic of family violence and/or abuse.
Violence verbally, physically, or other? If you need to ask this question, then it may be advisable to learn more about it.
Abuse, a redundancy of violence? See the response, directly above.
Where may I obtain this "education?" "Education" with regard to Domestic Violence and Abuse may be had by visiting www.ndvh.org, or by Google searching "domestic violence facts."
I went there and it automatically assumes that men abuse women. Little do they know, many women abuse men - mostly with words, throwing plates from kitchens, etc.
The site is at least noble enough to suggest to people being "abused" to get out of those relationships and seek help.
...that you found the site "biased." The unfortunate fact is that men rarely report domestic violence/abuse and experience extreme criticism and ridicule if they file a criminal complaint, let alone try to discuss the issue with someone.
There is information out there with regard to abused/battered men. You just have to do some research to find it.