I have noticed that spreading my dosages throughout the day seems to make my thyroid feel better and I'm not quite so tired in the am. I had been taking 50mg of Iodoral first thing in the morning, all at once, but waking tired with a tight or swollen (not sore) throat. It would take until almost noon to get some energy.
This week, I've been taking 25mg Iodoral 7am, 4 drops
Lugol's (2%) 11am, 25mg Iodoral 3pm, then 4drops
Lugol's at 7pm. The first couple nights, with taking the
Iodine in the evening, I had a harder time getting to sleep, but I seem to be adjusting to it and I feel much better in the morning and no tight throat :)
I'd rather take it all in the morning for simplicity, but I seem to do better spacing.
For now doing well with this dose with spacing.
I have my two grand kids (2yrs) coming for four days, so God knows, I'll need the energy :) and I think He guided me here ;)
Thanks all!