Have you ever read Abduction To The Ninth Planet? Quite interesting. This fellow writes that he was physically taken to another planet (there are supposedly nine levels of planet, Earth being the first) where the poeple are hermaphrodites -- they are just this side of the Creator; they can create things themselves -- there are stunning descriptions of that planet.
They told this fellow about the four worst things on Earth: pursuit of money; politicians; journalists and other media; religions. They also said that they are concerned about the level of noise on this planet -- with cell phones, blaring music, TV, etc., we do not have enough quiet to hear what we need to hear and to progress.
They also have an interesting story of Jesus and how he came to be here.
Thought you might be interested in it.
Aside from the book, I always say that we are just living in our own little mud huts, not that much different from long ago -- we only THINK that we have moved up the ladder!
Kindest thoughts.