Hi #42412 (or should I call you Too Young?)
From my layman's but fairly well read position, I'd say that you do sound generally unhealthy and even if there's nothing seriously wrong with you now, continuing down this road is likely to end up serious whether it's this year, this decade or several decades in future.
Like you, I don't do doctors and for good reasons. They are trained to log your symptoms and then name your disease accordingly after which they choose a range of medications or procedures to treat those symptoms. Before long, they'll be prescribing meds and treatments for the adverse effects of the original drugs and from their the vicious spiral continues.
Fortunately for me, I discovered Natural Hygiene (aka NH, the Hygienic System, Orthopathy) and learned that my health is my responsibility and completely within my power to obtain and maintain as long as I take positive action before getting too ill. With NH, you can pay to consult a Natural Hygiene professional practitioner and get fast-tracked onto a healthy lifestyle that will reward your efforts with unbelievable health and vigour.
Alternatively, you can find all the information that you need for free on line including free advice on a number of forums including CureZone. There are also plenty of books on the subject that can be purchased at reasonable prices which can be extremely helpful.
From my research, I've come to understand that health is obtained and maintained by providing the body's needs which include pure air, pure water, a species-correct diet, adequate exercise, rest, sleep and relaxation, just to name a few. Deprivation in any of these areas can result in poor health but for most people, diet is the major failing.
Smoking and drug-use of any kind will greatly reduce the body's vitality but even worse than those is the effects of eating "food" substances that your body is not designed to digest, eating any foods in combinations that make it impossible for them to be digested, overeating, drinking with meals or eating while ill or upset. All of these are unhealthy practices which increase toxicity within the body and drain vital energy trying to eliminate the toxins.
The beauty of Natural Hygiene is that you don't have to know what is wrong with you - you just have to take stock of how well you're providing the body's needs and resolving any deficiencies. If your health problem is more urgent, then the first step is to stop eating and go to bed which frees up all available energy for your body to focus on curing itself preferrably under the guidance of an experienced fasting supervisor depending on the severity of the illness.
If you want to forego the years of trying every remedy in the book before coming home to "nature", then discover Natural Hygiene now and save yourself grief and lost time.
I am not a Natural Hygiene professional. I have no products to sell.
Best wishes for your journey!