Get some people who actually understand some
Science or who are not paid off by some special interest.
Hg doesn't do its damage by floating around in blood, urine or by being in hair. It gets stuck in the brain or to certain hormone receptors, etc.
Short of an autopsy, testing stinks. You are not sampling the target organs. Also
Science does not have great ways to look for the effects of Hg either; however there is some interest in urine porphyrins. Also Cutler has his theory on Hg's effects on mineral transport and therefore on the levels of essential elements in hair.
ARI treatment parent ratings 2009
"Detox. (chelation)" 74% report "got better", 3% report "got worse", 23% report "no effect"
The 74% rating is the best of all of the many dozens of listed interventions.
If mainstream medicine wants to make themselves irrelevant, they can choose to do so. As more parents realize that 75% of the kids get nice gains from chelating out the heavy metals, it won't matter what mainstream medicine says. More and more of them will know someone who actually got better from chelating safely. They will just do it and typically start seeing gains in a matter of weeks.
Most folks would much prefer to get better with the help of their doctor. However if mainstream medicine does not care enough about us to help us get better, screw you!
We'll just continue to get better without you!
Cutler on mercury and autistic kids.
Reduced Levels of Mercury in First Baby Haircuts of Autistic Children Amy Holmes, Boyd E. Haley, etc.
The highly autistic children typically showed very *low* mercury in the hair. In contrast, healthy children showed levels of mercury in hair that were consistent with the mother's level of exposure to mercury.
Boyd Haley, former chair of the chem dept at the U of KY explains more about that study, his theories on the influence of genetics and much more.
Moderator of yahoo's Autism-Mercury group who successfully treated her several autistic kids.
Three moms who got their kids much better with interventions that included Cutler protocol chelation.
15+ screwed up years due to cadmium, lead and mercury.
After 2 yrs Cutler Protocol, bone density improved 8%, doctor finished weaning me off ADD medication, no longer on mood stabilizer meds, improved memory, alertness, energy, less introverted, few remaining dietary restrictions, and pissed off that I had to wait 15 years for those gains.