Apparently borax has been used in Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. Called "硼砂" in Chinese, it is used either alone or with other herbs to treat a variety of ailments, including cancer. The famous Chinese medical practitioner Li Shizhen recorded the characteristics and uses of borax in The Compendium of Materia Medica, a text written in the 16th century during the Ming Dynasty and was since translated into a number of languages.
Maybe understanding Chinese could prove difficult for some here, the following passage appeared in The Compendium:
“硼砂,气味甘,微咸,凉,暖,无毒。入肺、胃经。主治消痰止嗽,破瘕结喉痹。大明,上焦痰热,生津液,去口气,消障翳,除噎膈反胃,积块结瘀,阴疒贵骨哽,恶疮及口齿诸病。鼻血不止,硼砂50 g,水服立止。劳瘵有虫,硼砂、硇砂、兔屎等分为末,蜜丸梧子大,每服7丸,生甘草1份,新水1盅,揉汁送下”
As a partial translation, it claimed that borax could heal a number of ailments, including "reducing phelgm and stopping cough", "mouth and teeth diseases" and tumors. Interestingly, the dose it recommended for "nose bleeding" was 50g.