You can go back 12 months and see that the chart looks pretty much the same too. To me, that pretty much puts false the contention by some malcontents that CureZone traffic has taken a big downfall.
Now, I have noticed a pretty significant downfall in posts made on many of the forums over the past several months, but my thinking and that of many others is that much of the drop off was due to people not wanting to subject themselves to ridicule and bludgeoning by anyone who insists that only their views are valid and all others are to be browbeat into submission.
The number of posts does seem to have picked up in some areas recently, but we shall see . . .
Traffic for Apr 21, 2012 - May 20, 2012 | United States | Global | ||
People per Month | 419,578 | +6% | 733,687 | +7% |
Visits per Month | 615,509 | +5% | 1,053,922 | +5% |
Now, I have noticed a pretty significant downfall in posts made on many of the forums over the past several months, but my thinking and that of many others is that much of the drop off was due to people not wanting to subject themselves to ridicule and bludgeoning by anyone who insists that only their views are valid and all others are to be browbeat into submission.
Or it could be they have watched as some power hungry, temperamental, moderators have censored posts they disagree with even though the information was factual. And they started debates in violation of TOS then tried shifting the blame on to to someone else. When that did not work they tried sending personal messages to people to encourage others to join on his personal attack fest to drive the poster he disagrees with away. Of course when that was exposed the poster got banned from the forum so any facts contrary to the moderator's opinions could not be presented.
Of course reporting these TOS violations to the WM made no difference. Even though I mentioned to the WM that failing to enforce the rules just leads to escalations, which is exactly what happened. And the only thing that changed was I got banned from all the debate forums for complaining and someone went in to saved mails and erased all my private messages to the WM in an attempt to hide the evidence not realizing that I already backed up the messages off of CZ just in case.
Then there are all the troll pack attacks by the same pack of trolls not only against me, but other posters. How many threads have been started and continued for the sole purpose of attacking a particular poster even though this clearly violates TOS? The posts were not stopped or erased and not one of the perpetrators was ever banned for the repeated attacks.
So I don't blame people for being afraid to post when there are moderators who should be setting a good example abusing their power so only their point of view is allowed to be presented. And when people repeatedly violate TOS trying to bait others or to encourage others to attack they are not dealt with allowing the attacks to escalate.
In my opinion another big part of the problem is that it seems like Curezone is less and less about healing all the time. Look at how many posts there are on politics, religion and all the other topics not having anything to do with health and healing. There was even a recent post on "catfish dipping' that got a RRR rating. Is this Hillbilly Highlights Zone or Curezone?!!!
People would come to a place with a name like Curezone expecting information on health and healing. Not for hearing debates on whether Obama's birth certificate is real or about the Occupy Wall street protests.
Hveragerthi why you stay here if it is so horrible? Seems you are as looney as the rest of the people who live in this place. Addiction for every one here is hard to break.
Seems to me the healthy ones are those who are not here. Seems there is ann attraction to places of wanting to be and stay sick. Why are you here?
If you have not noticed I don't spend much time on Curezone anymore because of the constant barrage of attacks I have endured from the trolls that ruin Curezone and the fact that the WM refuses to do anything about the trolls.
But I still have people here on Curezone relying on me to give them accurate health information and to help them to understand their disorders and treatments. Otherwise they are stuck with people trying to talk them in to hoax remedies such as liver flushing or "oleander soup" that have been proven to be bogus.
But I know how things work here with such information being suppressed so I have been writing on other areas of the internet where censorship of the facts is not the norm.
And I am working on my book that is discussing alternative cancer therapies so people can see what really works and what is nothing more that over hyped claims. For example, it was claimed here on Curezone that a study on oleander showed it to be effective for cancer. Actually, if the person who posted that claim knew how to read studies then they would have seen that the study once again showed oleander did not work for cancer just as the previous studies have shown. Since I am not allowed to post the evidence of this here on Curezone without facing more backlash from the trolls I decided I will address this in depth in my book. This way the people who care about the truth can read the evidence and those who wish not to hear the facts can stay in the dark about it. At least they will not be allowed to openly attack me for presenting evidence as routinely happens here on Curezone.
You sure spend a lot of time writing for some one who does not spend a lot of time here.
If you take a look at my forum I pretty much took a long break from Curezone because of all the troll politics.
I am back posting here on Curezone in between posting on other internet sites. I just signed up for several other internet sites where I can submit articles. So this will give me an opportunity to expose some of the health crap I read about on the internet without having to deal with all the troll attacks.
Personally I don't see why you are so concerned about where, how or why I post where I do. I would think your time would be better spent posting on health issues, which is what Curezone is supposed to be about, rather than constantly posting about me.
almost no one on your forums is getting well.
Clearly you do not read my forum or you just like making up lies about people. Plenty of people have reported they are doing much better such as this post:
From looking at your posting history though it is clear that you are not interested in people's health or their getting better. You only seem focused on attacking me with every chance you get.
the scriipt is always the same: some newbie comes here who is in dire straights with their health, you throw around something that sounds complicated like gluconeogenesis
When I use those big words that are way over your head I also break down their meaning so that even you would be able to understand what they mean.
almost all of the herbs you use come straight out of ayurvedic medicine, and yet you know zero about ayurvedic medicine.
You clearly don't know squat about herbs if you really believe that. I work with over 300 different herbs from all over the world. I don't discuss them all on my forum though since it is important that people get to know specific herbs rather than learn hundreds of herbs unless they plan to also work as an herbalist.
But I do rely on the chemistry of the herbs to know how to put them together rather than basing them on historical uses as so many herbalists do. The problem is that historically used does not mean they are safe, nor the most effective. For example, echinacea is very popular due to its historical use. Echinacea is not very stable though and I can think of numerous other herbs that are more effective. The berberine herbs (goldenseal, Oregon grape root, barberry, etc. ) are also very popular among old school herbalists who never updated their herb research. But berberine can kill the flora, damage the intestinal lining and raise the blood pressure. Old school herbalists are also in to the strong stimulant laxatives such as senna, cascara sagrada, rhubarb root and some Aloe species. These can cause cramping, electrolyte imbalances and a laxative dependence.
I have studies the herbs I work with in depth to understand their chemistry and how they will affect the body, illnesses or other adverse conditions. I also understand how to combine these herbs to potentiate their effects, reduce their toxicity, increase their absorption and to prevent adverse reactions between the herbs.
People who want to whine and complain about how I keep up on herb research and their interactions with the body and each other clearly don't have the slightest clue about herbs. Especially when they cannot differentiate between all the North American, South American, European and Chinese herbs I use compared to the few Ayurvedic herbs I use.
But some people really do not care about any of that. They are only here to make up lies about people and whine with each of their posts.
Old grudges surely do die hard with you. Don't you have better things to do with your time?
Old grudges surely do die hard with you. Don't you have better things to do with your time?
Start talking about corrupt moderators and look who decides to pop up to lash out yet once again.
Looking at some of older posts where you attacked so many other people unprovoked I guess you never considered going to anger management classes.
Also ironic that you want me to go back to my own forum when you have your own forum to deal with as well. Of course it has been pretty much dead since so much of your posts there have nothing to do with health, and the advice you give is generally faulty. If I were you I would be ashamed to appear in my own forum as well.
So what is your plan this time? Keep attacking me as you normally do and invite some more friends to join in again? Make up more lies about me as you have done so many times? Keep trying to provoke me in to a fight like you have done in the past? Or end it here like you should for once?