I could not find much information on how much fiber is in Amla but I read there is.
Yes, any plant material will contain fiber such as cellulose.
I have fibercon and would like to know if there is enough fiber in the Amla to not need the fibercon.
You would not take enough amla to meet your fiber needs. I would supplement with natural fiber sources though such as rice bran, oat bran, nopales, vegetables, etc.
Also I want to add acerola to the amla I am currently taking. I only take 1/4 teaspoon once a day right now but I plan on upping that to 1/2 teaspoon once a day. I want to add the acerola for more vitamin C. I want to take about 250 mg to 500 mg vitamin C per day. Should I take the amla with the acerola 1/2 teaspoon each or should I take them separately. Maybe amla in the morning and acerola at night?
They can be taken together. This will give a wider range of synergistic bioflavonoids.