Thanks to whoever it was that linked to that article of yours, as well.
After all the reading I've done elsewhere, I could never figure out the actual REALITY of this sitz bath -- I'd always heard it suggested for women after childbirth, but never had I read anywhere that the 'healing' principle that is the strongest, here relies on the heating first of the whole body, and then the 'selected' cooling of this area: being 40 degrees below body temp. as you say in the article, though today i saw you said 50 degrees -- but i think you must've meant, (?) the difference in temp. is 50 some degrees.
One thing I have trouble visualizing: If I sit upright, and cup water to my navel and let it flow down, it barely trickles to the anal area. I'd have to be tilted backward to get this effect of it "rolling off the tailbone". Hmmm.
I guess it depeands on the build of the body.
Anyway, just let me say, I now get a sense of what powerful 'good medicine' this is.
I believe you're correct mh (well, that's not news to you, no doubt) that most doctors haven't a clue of the whole of this sitz bath thing, and what is actually ocurring in the whole eliminative system of the body. As I said, its benefits always seems to be related (mostly) to correcting reproductive problems.